The Sisters

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I just ignore Bri the whole time she is sorta being annoying right now. I walk over to a couch pushed over to the side. This girl who looks like Bri sits beside me.
Her eyes and face look like Bri but her hair is long and brown, not as long as mine but not as short as I think her twin's.
"Are you Wills friend or just a random teenager that came" the girl says.
"I'm Will's friend, lemme guess your his sister, and her twin"
"Yeah I'm Brooke, that is Bri, I'm the good one. Bri is the younger twin. We also have a younger sister Kamri, she isn't here right now she is at a sleepover with her friends"
"I'm Six, and you are way more pleasent than your sister over there. She's sort of a....."
"Hoe" Brooke finishes my sentence, weird.
"Yeah I guess you could call it that, not to be rude or anything"
"Yeah she is only like this when she isn't alone, when we are near adults she is a goody goody"
Her twin Bri comes over to us.
"Scoot over stiff" Bri tells me. I ignore her.
"I said scoot over"
"And I am not going to do that!"
She pushes me. Okay that is it nobody messes with me.
I light my hiar and hands and eyes on fire and slap her. I see the handprint on her face and I almost start to burst out laughing. But I don't.
"Oh is the tough girl gone, here let me put some ice on that burn." I make a cloud and the room and it starts to snow. Everyone is looking at me so I sit back down. "Okay carry on with your lives, even though most of you don't have one" I say and I make it start to sleet everywhere but over Chris, myself , Brooke, and Will.
For some stupid reason Four comes over to me.
"Six please stop this"
"Okay, Four" I spit his name at Him like venom. I stop the sleet and all of the water, snow, and sleet is gone.
Right after all the drama the usual special announcement is called.
"OKAY IF WILL DIDNT PERSONALLY INVITE YOU, AND YOU DONT LIVE WITH HIM, THEN GET YOUR BUTTS OUT OF HERE" Zeke shouts. Now the only people who are left are me, Christina, Will, Bri, Brooke, Four, Zeke, Shauna, Uriah, Maralene,  Lynn, and Al. I see Lynn and Al sit next to each other in our little circle we have. Yay their ship sailed. I sit next to Christina and Brooke. I don't want to even see Four but he is sorta everyone else's friend. Sadly.
Bri sits next to Brooke and Four. And four sits next to Bri and Zeke.
Christina and Will are giving each other lovey dovey looks so I guess I will start.
"Okay I'm going to start since Will is making googly eyes with Christina, so Candor or Dauntless, Uriah" I choose Uri for a reason. I know he doesn't want to be called a Pansycake so he will choose Dauntless. And I have the perfect dare.
"Dauntless, Duh, I ain't no Pansycake."
"Okay I dare you to go to the pizza place and pick up a cheese pepperoni and Hawaiian pizza. Then super speed to Target get some cake ice cream fuzzy blankets pillows candy popcorn and some cute girly movies. Then come back with all of the stuff ."
"Ugh fine" after about 6 minutes he is back. He got everyone a blanket and pillow. He also got some dauntless cake.
"Aww thank you so much you are seriously the best, what made you decide to do all this for us" i say. It is so funny when you get on his nerves.
"Oh it was a dare, okay but it is my turn, Brooke pansycake or dare"
"Ohhh the first none Pansycake besides myself, I dare you to ice bucket challenge"
"Ugh, fine, Bri a little help" Bri randomly makes a steel bucket appear out of nowhere. Everyone is confused. Including myself.
"I can make and item of metal randomly appear" Briar says. I guess it is cool but not as cool as having as many powers as me.
"Oh and Six could you help too" Brooke asks.
"Sure" I make ice appear in the bucket with a little bit of water.
Right after she changes into a bathing suit and we all go outside. She pours ice on herself and then jumps in the hot tub.
"Hey I want to get in" I say
"Yeah us too" "yeah" I hear everyone agree with me. I teleport all the girls to my house so they can all get bathing suits. Four teleports all the guys to his house to get their bathing suits. This is gonna be fun.

An- okay sorry but I don't want this too be too long. The next chapter I will have their outfits and stuff so it will be short. Then I will have them countinue c or d after. I hope you like it.
I am going to try to post every other day. I was going to do every day but I don't know if I can promise that so it will be every other day for right now.
Please Vote and Comment I have 105 reads already so thank you so much.
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