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We all laid on the cool marble floor. I felt something rub against my cheek, I was up in a flash. "Rupert stop trying to draw on me!" I say as I rub my eyes. I look around Marcy, Nicky and Ivy are on the floor next to me! I ran to their side and start to shake them. "Cindy what the heck!" yelled Nicky, then she realized we weren't at my house, or on the bus... or any where! We wake up the others, the only light was a big spot light that shone down where we were. "Guys where are we?" asked Ivy worried. A new light flickered reveling Rupert, Jack and Becky. We wake them up too. "Jack do you know where we are?" I ask hoping the brainy act knew my answer, but for once he didn't. I look for my phone in my blazer pocket but nothing, they all check for theirs as well. "GUYS I HAVE MY OLD PHONE!" Yelled Rupert. We ran to his side, the sim card was missing and the only thing on his phone was the flash light app. He turned it on and we searched for others. "This is really creepy!" whispered Becky. I shake my head, "No this is flipping epic, it's like a horror movie... bet Rupert dies first!" I laugh, the others don't really share my sick humor. 

We keep on walking, "Guys stop for a sec!" We all turn to Marcy. "What is it..." Marcy shushed Nicky. We all listen, we heard foot steps but no one was moving. "Ooh someones gonna die!" I giggle. They all give me a dirty look. I find horror movie deaths funny, what their so over dramatic and unrealistic, if it was on the news that someone was murdered I wouldn't find that funny, that's real movies are fake... right? The steps came closer. "No way am I staying here!" yelled Rupert he started to ran and the others followed, but I stayed, I heard something else. "CINDY DO YOU WANT TO FLIPPING DIE!" Yelled Jack. I shook my head, "Guys it's not a murderer it's a girl!" I yelled. She had long black hair that fell to her feet, pale white skin and a long white dress. "Are you lost?" I ask she nods. I giggle slightly, "So are we, whats your name?" She takes a step closer, "A...Arella!" her voice sounded glitchy, all most like a... ghost! "I know where you are..." I take a step back as she comes closer, "And you'll never leave..." her face glitches slightly as she moved. "Help me..." she whispered, then disappeared. I ran straight up to where she was standing, and looked around for her. "Cindy what the heck are you doing now!" yelled Marcy. Unlike them, I like ghosts I think their incredible, a trapped soul forever bound to their death bed and forced to hunt the living... awesome! They rest of the gang come up to me, "Where ever there are ghosts there's death, this is officially the best day ever!" they all look at me as if I'm insane... I probably am!

Another light flickers on, showing a door they all run up to it while I stay were the ghost was. "You do know what happens in horror movies right?" they shake their heads, I sigh. "Have you ever watched a horror movie and when the girl is about to go through a door and your like, 'NO YOU IDIOT THE MURDERER IS IN THERE'!" I wait for their reply, they don't speak. I come up to the door, and they look up at me. "That's exactly why I'm gonna open it!" I laugh, and kick the door down. They all grab me and pull me away from the door, if they didn't I might have run in there... YAY! No one came through which was disappointing, I really wanna see a funny death! Jack looks threw the door, it was a dark forest it was night time and there were others out there! We all run out to meet them, then we realized they all go to our school! Jamie and Tess were, along with Sophia and Michael. All the poplar kids were there, and the people I can't stand. Nat, Emily and Jason were standing there, I hate Nat cause she hates me and Marcy and tries to take Nicky away from us, I don't like Emily cause she's mean to me and takes advantage of how giving I am and I dislike Jason cause he bullies Marcy! 

"Hey guys, do you know where we are?" asked Georgia, a girl who hangs out with us a bit, she has this massive crush on Rupert too! "Nope, but Cindy is convinced that we're in a saw movie or something!" Marcy laughs. Jack's face is blank, he's realized where we are, "Guys... Cindy's kinda right!" we all turn to him, "We're not in a horror movie, we're in a horror game!" he yells then points to a sign hanging on of the trees. "Don't look or it takes you?" asked Rupert, "WE'RE IN FLIPPING SLENDER MAN!" 

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