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Everyone heard Jack yell that, and we all start screaming! Well I was laughing! "DO YOU SERIOUSLY FIND THIS FUNNY!" Yelled Jason. I smile at him, "Yeah cause it's most likely we'll all die, G-d grow a brain, there's no way we're in slender!" I laugh again. A loud voice appeared out of no where. "Sorry to disappoint you all, but you really are in slender, your only way out is to get to the bath room, there is a door that takes you to the next stage, however you'll be in teams!" the voice was deep and laughed loudly. All the little wusses scream again. "Oh do shut up! Now find your way there or die!" He laughs again. "WHO ARE YOU AND WHY ARE WE HERE?!" Yelled Micheal. "You can all call me the Trickster, your here for a reason which you'll have to learn!" The voice went away. "Ok we need to do what the Trickster says, it's our only chance of survival, Jack you play slender all the time, wheres the bath room?" I ask, he thinks for a second. "Well there's this stone wall on the other side of the woods past that is a truck and then the bath rooms!" I nod, some people run into the room."No we need to stick together!" Marcy yells. Some come back but others keep running. "Ok everyone stay together and no..." 

"Who died and made you queen?!" sassed Nat, I hate her so much! "Well considering I know the plot to every horror movie ever made, I suggested you listen to me!" She shuts up and I keep explaining. "As I was saying, stay together and no one take any signs!" 

"What like this?" we all turn around to Emily, she was standing by the woods holding up a sign saying, No eye's see's all! "You idiot!" yelled Becky. Suddenly behind Emily, he appeared. Everyone screamed and closed their eyes. "What?" Emily turned around and her mouth dropped, she went to run but he wrapped a black tentacle around her leg pulling her over. "HELP ME!" She yelled. She pulled on the grass trying to move but he kept pulling her back, she gave up and screamed and he pulled her into the darkness of the woods. Blooded splattered onto the grass in front of us, "B...b...blood!" I yell, I all most fainted from the smell. I have a massive phobia of blood. In movies I know it's ketchup but this was real and it was on my shoe! Marcy pulled me away from the puddle, we all start running. "Tess where are you!" yelled Jamie looking for her sister. She turned around and saw her reading a sign. "TESS GET AWAY FROM THAT!" she pulled her sister away and rejoined us. "There's the wall hurry!" Yelled Jack. Nat suddenly stopped, "Hang... hang...on a sec guys... poof!" she stood there taking a breather. Slender came up behind her. "NAT RUN!" Yelled Gabe, her ex-boyfriend! She didn't listen, she pulled herself together and started to walk. "Calm down Gabe G-d!" Gabe ran away along with the rest of us, "Funny guys, you CAN'T JUST LEAVE ME HERE!" She called after us, she turned around and saw what we were running from. "Oh fu..." and with that he wrapped a tentacle around her and ripped her in half! Her blood guts and bones went all over the floor. "THAT WAS FLIPPING AWESOME, and gross, BUT AWESOME!" I yell as we run. "Cindy you have problems!" yelled Gabe. "Thank you!" 

We all keep running and make it to the truck, we could see the bath room. "GO QUICK!" Yelled Jack and we all ran through the doors, each stool was another way out. We made it out with only two deaths out off about 100, pretty good! We were all sent to different places, I was with Marcy, Nicky, Rupert, Becky and Ivy. But we had no idea where we were!

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