Welcome to Gotham

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My friends left through a door in Gotham casino. The trickster showed me the Jokers hide out were I found some clothes and weapons. I didn't want to use a gun, oh no, it's so much more fun with a knife, you can see the light leave their eyes as the blade hits them. You can't get the same result with the slip second of a gun shot! I slipped into the Jokers purple jacket and trousers, I'm never taking these off! In his base their was explosives, knifes, guns, pictures of clowns, some old circus stuff, clown masks and so much blood on the floor. But it didn't bother me any more, it just made me more excited to kill!

The next group came in, they all looked terrified, I watched them on a small screen on the wall, Jack, Olly, Oliver, Georgia and Micheal all came in. They were all covered in cuts and bruises but they were still breathing... for now! The Trickster spoke to them, I could hear him though. "Welcome group 5! In this movie one of your friends are the villain and she is very excited!" I squealed a little, he was right I was! I had gone completely insane, all I wanted was to kill and put my mark on Gotham! "You all know her, she went to some of your primary's, this is her favourite movie and she gets to be her favourite villain!" I looked at their faces they were all thinking who I could be, oh how they struggled! "Still don't know, well think about where you are, one of you hates this movie..."

"WE'RE IN GOTHAM!" Yelled Georgia, I burst out laughing, then I realized they could hear me too. "Oh give the girl a prize!" I laugh louder. Jack recognized  my laugh, "Cindy?!" he asks, I laugh harder, "Well done brain box!" to scare them I grabbed one of the guns and reloaded it, they jumped at the sound. "Cindy! WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING!" Yelled Olly. He hang out with us sometimes like Jack, most of the time he's rude and annoying and never very serious, but for once he sounded extremely sane! "Oh is little baby Olly gonna cry Boo Hoo!" I laugh even more. "Your friend Cindy is no longer the Cindy you know and love, but know an insane psychopathic killer!" Micheal chuckled slighter, "What's the difference?" his group didn't find it funny. "And I thought my jokes were bad!" I laugh. 

"I started as a nobody and grew up as a freak

My dad drank booze, my mom smoked pot, I had poor physique

But now I'm running Gotham 'cause that Bat's delirious

I shoot up all the good guys asking,

"Why so serious?"

Can't read my, can't read my

No they can't read my Joker face

'Cause I'm a psychopathic killer

Can't read my, can't read my

No they can't read my Joker face

I even killed the fat bus driver!"

I started to sing to the tune of poker face! They group looked horrified, perfect! "They way out of this one is to play a game with the joker, Cindy you may chose!" the Trickster handed to mic over to me. "Hm... a game, lets play... oh hide and seek! You hide and I track you down and kill you!" I laugh again. "I'll find one of you and kill them and the 'winners' must watch on the jumbo-tron!" As I say that the Jumbo-tron on the side of Wayne tower lights up showing me. I stick my face right in the camera and smile. "What happened to you?" asked Oliver a boy who went to my primary along with Jack and Micheal, he's also on our coach. "The best thing ever that's what!" I held my knife up to show them, "Ok I'll count to 10 so start hiding, 1...2...3..." as I count they all started to run around Gotham like mad men trying to hide from me, of course if I wanted I could just look at the screen and see where they hid, but wheres the fun in that! I want to have the frill of the chase!

"10! READY OR NOT HERE I COME!" I laughed and left my hide out, blood thirsty. I took my knife and a potato sack with me, I was going to have some fun! It didn't take long before I found someone, Georgia had the worst hiding place, it was going to be the first place I looked, The Bat Cave! It was obverse someone would hide in there, I mean duh...! I knew where it was I've played the video games watched the movies at least 5 times each and I know a hell of a lot about Gotham. Favourite DC movie people hello?! She was hiding in the back seat of the bat-mobile, it was pretty funny. She was shaking with her hands over head crying. "Aw come one now let's put a smile on that face!" I laughed and throw the bag over her head, she screamed loudly as I dragged her back to the Jokers base.

I tied her to a chair in the middle of the room and put the camera in front of her, she was crying. "Please let me go... I'll join you.... I'll do anything.... I'll give you money!" I shake my head, "It's not about the money, it's about sending a message! Everything has to come to an end!" she screamed again. "Oh please shut up, the Bat can't save you no one can!" I showed her on the jumbo-tron and spoke to the rest of the group. "Welcome back to the Joker show, after the break I said I'd kill one of you, well now we have a volunteer!" I pointed to Georgia. The boys looked at the screen in shock. "Your insane!" yelled Oliver. "I thought I was a Libra!" I laugh. I turn to the girl, she looks petrified, I pulled my knife out and held it to her mouth. "Why don't you just shoot me now and get this over with?" she asked. I twirl the knife around my finger, "You wanna know why I use a knife? You see, guns are too quick. You can’t savor all of the little…emotions. In their last moments, people show you who they really are!" she gulped as I put the knife closer to her mouth. It felt like the world slowed down as I dragged the knife through her cheek making her scream in pain. I took a slightly bigger knife from my pocket and while she was screaming and stabbed her right in the gut. She coiffed up blood, not just from the cut in her mouth but from where I'd punctured her lungs with the blade, I leaned in to her ear and whispered, "I'm sorry!" and with that I pulled the weapon from her stomach and untied her. She fell face flat on the ground, dead, blood trickling from her mouth, and because of how I cut her, she was smiling. 

The headache returned and I regained my sanity. I saw Georgia on the floor, and the blood all over her. I saw the red knife in my hands I tremble as I dropped it and fell to my knees. "What have I done!" I sat there shaking in the middle of the room surrounded by blood and tears. The boys were still watching me. I looked up at the camera and the screen behind it. "Help me!" I cried. Then I finally smelt all the blood, my eye lids felt heavy, and my head was dizzy. I blacked out on the floor. But the last thing I saw was Jack and the boys burst into the room and come over to me. "I'm sorry!" I whispered before I completely lost all vision. 

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