Oh Crud

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I woke up on the floor in the streets of Gotham, it was freezing. I looked up and saw the boys over by the fire, they'd put me by the dustbins. They must hate me now, I tried to kill them, and seceded. I pulled myself off the cold floor and made my way to the door to Slender, what's the point any more. As I reached for the door handle the Trickster came back. "Rise and shine, looks like our Jokers awake!" he laughed. The boy's turned to the bins, I wasn't there they looked around and saw me by the door. "Cindy?" asked Olly, checking if I was me or the Joker. "Just stay away from me!" I ran to the casino and tried to get back to my group, then the head ache came back. I started to think about the Jokers way of life again and became the mass murderer once more. 

I stopped running and faced them, I had tears rolling down my cheeks but I was smiling. "Cindy are you ok?" asked Jack innocently. I laugh, " I'm only laughing on the outside, My smile is just skin deep, If you could see inside I'm really crying, You might join me for a weep!" I could see I creep them out slightly, but alas I couldn't stop! "What is wrong with you! You've already won you shut up now!" yelled Micheal. I just laugh again, I can't stop! "I now do what other people only dream. I make art until someone dies. See? I am the world's first fully functioning homicidal artist." They all looked at me like I was a nut job, and at the moment I really was. Not matter how hard I tried all I wanted was to drag them further down into despair. "You wanna know why I'm doing this?" I come closer to them and they back up. "Villains these days, All they care about is money. This city deserves a better class of criminal. And I'm gonna give it to them!" I laugh insanely, please help me! It was like I was a different person, I could see and hear everything but I couldn't do any thing to stop it... it was as if I had become the Joker!

More tears fell from my eyes but I kept smiling. "Why are you crying?" asked Oliver taking a step back. I keep walking closer to them, "I'm only laughing on the outside, My smile is just skin deep, If you could see inside I'm really crying, You might join me for a weep, I'm only laughing on the outside, My smile is just skin deep, If you could see inside I'm really crying, You might join me for a weep, I'm only laughing on the outside, My smile is just skin deep, If you could see inside I'm really crying, You might join me for a weep..." I keep saying over and over, it was the only thing I could say! "I'm only laughing on the outside, My smile is just skin deep, If you could see inside I'm really crying, You might join me for a weep! Help me!" I whispered. I threw a little box at them, it was green and purple and had a J on each side. The lid flew open releasing a dark green smoke that filled the air. It came to me first and I broke down laughing. "Laughing gas?" I asked myself. The boys started to run away from the gas. Once it had cleared I looked around for them, I found them hiding in Wayne Tower. I look into their eyes, they fear me. "Help me!" I whisper again. Jack opens the door, "What?" he stays inside with the boys but leaves the door open. "Help me!" I begged. The head ache grew and I fell to my knees. They all came running out. "Get away, he'll kill you!" They all take a step back from me. "Don't do this Jack!" I whisper. "Do what?" Jack asks me. I shake my head. "The Joker's... real... name is... Jack!" The clown had penetrated my mind, like ghosts, he had possessed me! 

I was on the verge of tears. I could feel the joker playing with my mind! It was as if someone was twisting my brain, poking and stabbing it over and over. "STOP!" I yelled and like that it was over. The agony may have ended but he was still there, watching, listening, waiting!


Hello people of watt pad! Hope you guys like my book so far, in a few other chapters there will be more about ghosts and possession! You won't believe how much research I've done to know how it feels to get possessed! I've been haunted before and trust me they are completely different things! Any way please comment below and keep on reading! Or as the joker would say: I'm not writing this book for money, it's to send a message... Everything burns! 

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