No Texting in Class

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A/N Peter already has his powers. First fanfic, will try to update every week. Am also writing energy (you should check it out). Enjoy...
I love chemistry and science and stuff but I hate the class because I already know everything they are teaching. That sound kid if stuck up but it's true! I'm The Tony Stark's son after all! Well I'm technically adopt by Tony and Pepper as of two years ago. My Aunt May died from a car crash, just thinking about it brings tears to my eyes. But I love Tony and Pepper as they are my real parents even though I refer to them by their first name. It's just weird because my dad is freaking IRON MAN! Not to mention I'm supper good friends with ALL the avengers. My phone buzzes snapping me out of my thoughts. The text reads:
Tony Stark: Leaving for a mission in Europe. Some robots got on the loose. I should be back tomorrow. The other Avengers are coming too. I'll let you know if we need help.
I'm always really nervous when Tony goes on missions. I can't imagine how Pepper feels when Tony, me and the rest of the avengers leave. I quickly text back,
Me: will Pepper be at home? Stay safe... Don't get killed. If you need anything just call.
Barley a second later he responds
Tony: She is at home. Ok Kid I have to go see you soon.
I let out a shaky breath then pretend to focus on the class once again. But before I can put my phone away...
"Mr. Parker. Please read to the class who you where texting." The class all chucked, besides Ned and Flash. Flash is laughing obnoxiously loud causing me to cringe. My Spidey Sense tingles at the base of my head.
I quickly whisper to Ned, "I'm texting my dad!" He stares at my wide eyes, he is the only one that know who my dad is, "Well you see... I uhh really can't tell you. Umm it's kind of classified," I mutter my face turning red. My Spidey Sense tingles a little bit more as the teacher walks towards me and puts her hand out. Reluctantly I give her my phone. As soon as she sees the screen her eyes bug out of her head. But she quickly gathers her composure.

"T-Tony S-Stark," the class looks shocked, their laughter being cut off and their mouths agape, "Leaving for a mission in Europe. Some robots on the loose.  I should be back tomorrow. The other avengers are coming too. I'll let you know if I need help." My face turns best red. Shit. Shit. Shit. The class is just staring at me. And a few murmurs make their way around the room. Because of my advanced hearing I can hear all of them. Most of them just have to do with wondering why he is texting my. This is not good. Shit. Shit. Shit. Ned looks at me with an apologetic look. The teacher continues,  "Peter: will Pepper be at home? Stay safe... Don't get killed. If you need anything just call. T-Tony Stark: She is at home. Ok Kid I have to go see you soon." The class is still mostly quite and in shock until Flash starts laughing and says:
"Penis was probably just texting Ned to make home seem cool!" The rest of the class starts laughing historically. That theory doesn't even make sense! I think. The teacher tries to regain our attention but Flash is still smirking at my embarrassment.
The bell rings and everybody jumps up and packs their things. "Mr. Parker. A word?" I slowly walk up to the front of class, "That is why we don't text in class."
Poor Peter any way this might seem like a one shot buts it's not so keep reading!!

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