Last Day

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A/N Sorry I have updated as much as usual the past few days, I was on vacation. Well anyhow this chapter is going to have some suggestions that In the comments so thank you for those. And thanks you so much for the (almost) 800 reads. It's really really amazing.
"Dad," Peter says, his voice sounding distant, "What if the people in my school tell the news about me being Peter Stark?" Tony lets oh a long breath before saying,
"I told them if they told any body they would be getting and angry visit from the avengers and would get sued by my lawyers then I made everybody sign an agreement form." ( A/N My italics aren't workings so just pretend that this next part is in italics). Well that's one way to handle it... Peter though.
"But that still doesn't change the fact that they know," The teenager gradually starts to breathe harder and curl in a ball. The rest of the avengers leave the room and Pepper walks in.
"It's okay Peter. Deep breaths. In. Out." Peter seems to calm down a slight bit but is still hyperventilating and holding his hand over his chest. Pepper pushes Tony out of the way and sets her hands on his arms.
"Match your breathing to mine," Pepper says in a soothing voice. Seeing her now you would be surprised how demanding she can be. Pepper wipes the tears on his cheeks quickly before pulling him into a hug. Peters breathing slows down but he is still crying. He wraps his arms around her and buried his face into her shoulder.
"Thanks mom," her heart flutters and her eyes become teary. This is the first time that Peter called her that. Pepper puts one hand in his hair and holds him closer. Tony warmly smiles watching his wife and son. They may have had difficult pasts but the super family was doing everything they could to make sure their futures would be better.
"Happy last day of suspension!" Clint shouts as I walk into the kitchen. I groan a little. I would rather just work in the lab and have Bruce and Tony teach me new stuff. I would learn more. Steve, Bucky, and Natasha are sitting at the table while Bruce and Tony are discussing something related to science. I grab a bagel and sit on the couch. A black dot with long thin legs creep up my arm. I screech at the top of my lungs and do a back flip to the ceiling.
"EWWW GET IT OFF GET IT OFF!" I bounce to the other wall and shake my hand hoping to get it off. I leap to the other wall slapping at my hand.
"GET THIS PIECE OF SHIT OFF MY HAND!" I scream again jumping to the ceiling and shake my hand while swatting at it.
"THE LITTLE BEAST TOCHED ME! IM INFECTED!" I run across the ceiling then drop down in front of the sink. Quickly I push down on the soap dispenser and rub it all over the infected area then take the plate scrub thingy and rub it all over my arm in panic. After I'm sure I'm disinfected I turn the water off and turn around. Shit. Everybody even the emotionless Natasha is on the floor laughing so hard they have tears in their eyes.
"Who... Would've...," Tony says in between fits of laughter, " though spider boy had arachnophobia!" The other continue laughing. I just give Tony a death glare. (This was a suggestion)
"Hey theirs going to be a party tonight at the tower. You'll need to wear a suit. Wanna invite Ned and MJ?" Tony asks without looking up from his project. Peter on the other hand breaks out into a smile and starts jumping up and down,
"Really?" Tony chuckles then nods. After settling down Peter grabs his phone and texts the group chat,
Hey guys! Theirs a party at The Tower tonight. Dad said you can come if you want. Dress nicely.
MJ: I'll be their loser. What time?
Ned: Awwww I can't go :(
Me: be their at 6 it starts at 7. Do u like Pizza?
MJ: who doesn't, loser?
Me: Good point see u later. Peter turns off his phone then continues to improve his web shooters. 
At 5:45 I walk out of my bedroom in an itchy suit and a undone tie. I was never able to tie one, Aunt May always did it for me.
"Uh Dad? Can you tie my tie?" Tony smirks and shakes his head a little before walking across to me and fixing my tie.
"There you go. If your lady friend wasn't coming over in ten minutes I would have made you learn how," He declares as a blush spreads across my face at the words 'lady friend'. Together, we walk down to the lobby, I bounce on my feet as I wait for MJ. The Pizza guy comes and drops off our 12 pizzas. I take two from the stack. One for me one for MJ. 

"I really don't think MJ needs a full pizza," Steve says. 

"Well then I'll eat what she doesn't ," Steve rolls his eyes and sets the other 10 pizzas down next to him. Good thing we are rich. I bounce on the balls of my feet waiting for MJ to show up, I honestly can't wait. The door opens and MJ walks in and takes my breath away. She is wearing a sleeveless dress that has with mesh fabric at the top, as it goes down in turns into normal fabric with white leafy plants going up it, and a yellow belt at her waist. (MJ's homecoming dress). She is wearing grey flats that have just a hint of glitter on them. She looks amazing. 

"Hi Spider loser," MJ says and awkwardly wave. The sound of her voice is like music to her ears. Wait did I just think that? This can't be happening. I have a crush on the one and only Michelle Jones. 


A/N Thanks for reading! Once again the spider idea was not mine, so thanks for the hilarious idea! Do ship MJ and Peter? ******************I have another random question, which Chris is better? (Hemsworth, Evans, Pine(from wonder women), and Pratt.**************************Sorry this chapter is kind of short.   Thanks again for reading :)


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