Fight or Die

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I'm going to stop telling you for the most part when I'm updating because it is usually just a lie, like I said I was going to update about once a week but this is my fourth time this week. Thanks everyone for reading this. This chapter there is going to be Spiderman/Ironman team up fight!
I sprint into an ally close by school dodging everybody blocking my path. Once I get into the ally I put on my mask and rip off my civillian clothes reveling my spider man suit. I web myself towards the villain, the warm breeze hitting against my face and the adrenaline coursing through my veins. As I get closer to the large and blue slug like villain and call, "Fancy seeing you here? Whats your name? I'm the friendly neighborhood spider man," Slug man turns around and lets out a scream spitting ever where, but when the wet spit touches my skin, a burning sensation goes through my arm. Shit. Toxic spit. "Your kind of mean!" I taunt as I web his mouth a couple times, "I'll just call you slug man." The giant slug slithers forward but my spider sense allows me to pull myself up with my webs and flip over him. While his back is to me I web around his neck and fling him back over the top of me. "You should consider losing weight!"  The slug thing gets the webbing off his mouth and neck rather quickly and yells again. Drops of spit come flying towards me. A tingling sensation returns to the base of my neck warning me. I throw myself to the side and do a flip over a few, but he keeps yelling and the spit keeps coming. Their is too much. One come in contact with my leg forcing a hiss out of my mouth. I am close enough to him that I can hit him, but right as I'm about to a strong slimy hand yanks me away. Shit. I don't want to call for help but I have no other choice.
"Karen. Call Tony,"
"Calling Tony Stark," my suit replies to me.
"What's up kid?"
"There are two slug things. Need help. By school." I was barely able to say in between punching and webbing them. Thankfully a shiny iron suit appears above me.
Sorry for the short chapter this is kind of like a part one and I'll try to post a part two soon! Thanks so much for reading!

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