Return of the Avengers

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A/N Hey guys thank you so much for reading! It really means a lot. Sadly this is going to be one of the last chapters, as I don't want to drag this story out to much because I don't want the ending to be bad. But their will still be more chapters in this story, and I have some ideas for a new fanfic! Enjoy-

.......The first paragraph is a little sad just letting you know. 

The brightness of the white light soon turns into an image, a video almost. Their is a long street, with tall sky scrapers towering above the Earth, the sun reflecting off the windows. Hundreds of civilians walk around the streets, and cars are lined in them. All of a sudden their is a loud noise coming from the side of the street. Yells of panic fill the air, and people hug their loved ones tight. 20 large slugs come crashing through the large sky scrappers. Rubble flies all over landing on civilians. But not only does rubble go flying everywhere, but people, people from the skyscrapers. Men. Women. Children. Their bodies hit the cement with a sickening crack. Even more screams fill the air including the ones of a the slug. Their spit rains down on everybody burning and blistering their skin.Babies wail. The street is covered in blood and bodies. The screams stop. The silence is defining. A civilian stands up from the abyss of dead and hisses, 'We are coming, we did never stop. You served your purpose and fell for our plan. Thank you."The body falls back down to the ground and the image turns into a white light. 

My eyes snap open and I sit up in my bed. Mom and Dad come running towards me to give me a bear hug. But all I see is the streets lined with dead people and rubble. The rest of the Avengers are sitting around in my room, now with smiles on their faces. 

"Lay back down, Bruce will check you out," Dad says and pulls me into another hug. 

"Nothing hurts. I'm good. B-" 

"Peter, please just lay back down," The images flash in front of my eyes. To much death. I did this. I killed them. 

"No I-"

"Peter. Do what your dad says," Steve says in a demanding voice. I hear the voice again. The lifeless bodies. It was all my fault. 

"It was a setup!" I yell grabbing the attention of everybody in the room, "It didn't make sense. When I killed that one slug they all died. Does that make sense to you? They knew if I was knocked out you would all be to tired. When I was asleep I saw something. The slugs, they killed everyone. Even Children. Right before I woke up, one of the dead stood up and said they where coming and they never left. They said I fell for their plan. It said thank you." Everybody looks at me in shock. They don't want to believe me, I can see that. But I can also see that as they think about it starts to make sense. I quickly add, "They never meant to hurt me. That's why I am fine right now." They stare a beat longer. Clint pulls Natasha into a hug, and Dad squeezes moms hand. All that can be heard is the beeping of the heart monitor in the blindingly white hospital rooms.

Steve is the first to talk, "We have to go, patrol. Even if that doesn't actually happen we can't take any chances. It does make sense though, you are right it was pretty easy." We all nod in an agreement. 

"Tony and Clint, you patrol around the city from the sky, Natasha and Thor look out in the East,  I will search the North, Bucky Peter, you have the South, and Bruce you can patrol West, as yourself and turn into the Hulk only if needed. And Pepper stay here and monitor all security cameras in the area, if anything happens, let us now. " Steve finishes. I shake my head, "Peter?" 

"We need more people, I have a feeling that this will happen, and we don't know where it will happen and if it does, we will not be able to beat them. More people." Dad smirks and pats my shoulder. 

"The kid is right. I can probably get T'challa, Wanda,  Sam, Vision, and Doc. Strange." I smile a little and nod. 

"Let's get this party started!" Clint yells making everybody chuckle including Natasha. The group of us stand up and make are way up to the weapon and suit rooms. I go over to the cylinder tube my suit is stored in, that has a little plaque above it that says Spider-man. I grab my suit and quickly put in on and hold the mask. Turning around, Natasha and Clint are grabbing weapon after weapon and putting them in every place imaginable. Bucky walks up to me and places a hand on my shoulder, 

"Ready Peter?" I quickly nod. A little part of my stomach twists in nerves. What if they already attack. What if we can't stop them. A try to push those what if's out of my mind and  allow a small smile to form on my face. 

"Ready Avengers?" Dad asks while walking up to me to give me a quick hug, "You all know what to do so now do it." 

"Quite the pep talk dad." I say while chuckling. A few others join in as we walk to through the building onto the elevator taking us to the front of the building. Once we step out side we start to split up. I shoot my web in between the tower and the building next to it and Bucky walks below me. A few people wave to us or yell stuff like 'go avengers!' Even though nobody can see it I smile. Come to think about it, I really don't care if Peter Parker doesn't get very much credit for saving the world. I know my value and so does my family. That's all that  matters. A few screams interrupt my thinking. The slugs are here. I hear Bucky's voice through the my ear piece informing every body they are here. Without further hesitation I web a few civilians and pull them out of the way. I then web one of the slugs eyes, like I usually do, but his slimy arm wipes it off almost instantly. Well shit. I glance over at Bucky who is shooting some with machine guns and giving them a punch or two with a metal arm. Sighing I run to the base of the slug and with all my might try picking it up. My muscle strain. It doesn't work. Though I do push it back a couple yards. After the second fight with the slugs dad said he put special stuff on our uniforms to block us from the toxic spray.  I punch the slug near the base then jump up and hit the middle. It swings it's arm at me, it barely touches me so I continue to punch and web it. Shit. Shit. By now the rest of the Avengers are over here helping Bucky and I But soon I realize they mad a circle we are surrounded. 

"Guys we are surrounded!" I shout into the ear piece. 

"Just hold off a little longer the rest should be hear soon," Tony replies. We are pretty close now so we don't need the head sets. The slugs arm wraps in on itself and turns into a gun almost. 

"You move we shoot bomb." Shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit. Natasha puts her hand on Hulk trying to prevent him from moving. Luckily it works. In unison the slugs raise their other hand. They have to be controlled by something. wait. They have to be controlled by something! We just have to find out what and take that down. That can't be to hard. Oh wait but we are currently stuck. Great. Just Great. Nobody dares to speak and the civilians are out of the area. But that doesn't mean that the civilians are.

"Spider-man. Take off your mask," One of the slugs booms. Again in unison they all push their guns forward a little more. I look over at the rest of the Avengers. I have to do this. I have to. I nod slowly and nobody tries to stop me. This is it. This is my last moments as a secret. Slowly I take off the mask. Cold air hits my face and the sun shines into my eyes. The world seems to stop. Everybody knows. But the slugs push their hands forward again. 

"Good bye Avengers," it says. Oh no. Shit. But all of a sudden four ships appear in the sky. The res of them are here. The slugs don't seem to notice. I need to distract them. 

"Look!" I exclaim pointing to the sky. The slugs look. The planes decent onto the nearest building and I can see the rest of our team coming out. I pull the mask back over my face and get into a fighting position. Game time. 

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