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This chapter is going to be broken into two major parts. Also I'm so happy this story has 200 (ish) views. Thanks you all so much for reading and again if you are looking for any good short stories check out Diamond Tears. Enjoy this chapter!


Peter rubs his eyes as he wakes up and heads for the kitchen. Even though it is only seven thirty am the kitchen area is absolutely chaotic. Steve is trying to make pancakes while Tony is fighting with Clint about something, Natasha is sharpening her knife and appears to be talking to Pepper, and both Natasha and Pepper are yelling at Tony, even though he is ignoring them as he is fighting with Clint. Bruce is talking to Thor, which it would be quite and normal except Thor's voice is extremely loud. Bucky is sitting at the table while sipping coffee. If Peter weren't used of this he would be kind of surprised but he is completely used to it. 

"Hi Bucky, how are you?" Peter asks. 

"Good, you?" Bucky and Peter have to yell a little bit so they can actually here each other over the yelling and Thor's loud voice. 

"Fine. Why is everybody fighting this time?" 

"Well Steve was making pancakes for everybody (with chocolate chips in of course) but when Clint woke up he was hungry so he started eating all the chocolate chips and eventually ate all of them that where in the house, so then Tony got really mad because you know how he is about his chocolate chip pancakes, hence the reason Clint and Tony are fighting, Pepper and Natasha are talking about the board meeting today and yelling at Tony to be their on time and not be a total ass during it but he is to busy focussing on his problems with Clint. Then Bruce is trying to explain to Thor what school is, but when Thor found out his pop tarts where gone he got very mad and started yelling and Bruce, so the two are fighting over pop tarts. And I'm pretty sure if we don't break them up soon we will be getting a friendly visit from the big green guy." Bucky explain in an amused voice. 

"I know how to get their attention!" Peter exclaims. Bucky give him a look saying, good luck with that. Peter catapults himself onto the ceiling (which does nothing) but thats not his plan. He throws a web to the spatial Steve is holding and yanks it out of his hand causing a protest from him. Next he webs Clint and puts him next to Bucky, receiving a set of curses, next he webs Tony and puts him on the opposite side of the room from Pepper and Natasha. Next he webs Bruce and sets him over by Steve, then lastly webs a box of pop tarts from his secret stash and gives it to Thor. "Listen up! Dad, their is extra chocolate chips in my secret stash for your pancakes so stop being mad at Clint. Katniss you should have ate all those chocolate chips that unhealthy and mean. Thor school is a place kids go to learn, and enjoy your pop tarts. Sorry for taking them. Pepper, Natasha, Dad will go to the meeting and he will not be an  ass other wise, Dad, I will be showing everybody a certain picture I found," Peter concludes handing the spatial back to Steve who now has a bad of chocolate chips in his hands.

"Kid, why didn't you web Natasha our Peter?" The truth is he was scared to mess with either of them so he just moved the other people instead. Pepper and Natasha would probably kill him if he did. 

"They where only talking because of you so because I moved you they where ok." I bluff. Tony raises an eyebrow but doesn't say anything. 

"How long until these webs dissolve?" Clint asks. 

"2 hours." Everybody groans except for Bucky who is trying not to start laughing. 

"Peter, you made such a mess! You can clean all of the webs!" Pepper says. 
"But I was doing it to stop everybody for arguing, Pepper," 

"Consider that you punishment from being suspended... And please get off the ceiling, you going to leave foot marks." All the avengers look over at Peter thinking one thing 'how did he get suspended?'

"Firs of all I already got a punishment (9:30 curfew for the next week), and the suspension wasn't even my fault!" 

"To bad you have two punishments now, and it would be bad not to punish you after getting suspended regardless of what happened." 

"Uhhgggg, that's what Tony said." In the background Tony starts chuckling. 

"Wait, wait, wait, little petey boy got suspended?" Clint asks in a mocking tone. 

"Yeah. I got suspended for a week and can't go on this years field trip. BUT the other kid got suspended for two weeks." He clarify. 

"What did you do?" Steve asks from the kitchen. 

"Well-I-uh in gym I was on the team that had to take off my shirt, uhhh i have some scars and then um this one kid made really mean comments that made me mad so then I may or may not have punished him. But that was only because his has been bullying me since like fifth grade,"  Peter says. Wait. Oh. Shit. I didn't want them to know I got bullied. Damn. Uhg. This isn't good. Peter thinks. 

"You got bullied?" Bucky asked slightly stunned. 

"Um yeah. I guess," 

"I'll kill him!" Bucky yells. This isn't exactly why I didn't want to tell them. 

"No, no it's fine please don't do anything stupid...That goes for all of you." Bucky says and clint crosses his arm. 

"If it happens again please tell us." Bucky says again. 

"Can I have some pancakes?" Peter asks trying to change the attention. 

"After you clean up you webs, honey," Pepper says in a sharp yet sweet voice. Peter huffs as he begins cleaning off the walls. 

"Hey kid, I have a meeting to day and so does Pepper, Clint, and Natasha. Steve has to go on a quick mission, Thor is taking a trip back to Asgard, and Bruce is working on some new tech stuff."

"Ok." Peter gives his dad a quick side hug. 

"Looks like your stuck with me, " Bucky says. Peter and Bucky haven't spent to much time together but they both like each other, so Peter is pretty excited he gets to spend the day with Bucky. 
"Ok, great!" 


This chapter is somewhat ish random but next chapter will be about Peter and Bucky hanging out. If you have any ideas on what they should do let me know! Thanks you so much for reading. 


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