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A/N Some fanfics are like Uber serious but this one isn't really one of those... however their might be some serious parts too so yeah. Uhh I'm bad at writing author notes but I feel like I should have one so enjoy!
The next day ticked by slowly, especially last night because nightmares of Tonys death plagued my mind. Pepper was their to help me of course but as much as I love pepper she isn't the same as Tony. Not even working in the lab was fun without him. Well that's a lie it was fun just not as fun. I'm sitting on the couch staring at the clock willing the hands to move faster. Tony is supposed to be home soon. But soon isn't fast enough.
"Peter, he'll get here when he gets here. Don't you have any homework?" Pepper exclaims in a slight state of shock, she is never quite able to get over how ansy Peter gets.
"Yeah I guess." I give her a slight death glare and pull out my science homework. My eyes drift close from the borednes of homework only to be snapped awake by the sound of FRIDAYS voice echoing in the rather empty floor.
"Boss has arrived!" Even though FRIDAY os a robot I'm sure I could here a smile in his voice. Throwing my books of my lap I sprint to the elevator and hurriedly tell FRIDAY to take me to the main lobby. As the doors open I run straight towards Tony and trap him in a hug.
"Did you kill the robots? Did you get injured? Are the others ok? I've been working on some new web shooter ideas! Do you need help fixing your suit?" I ramble on and on. Tiny lets out a small chuckle.
"Nice to see you too kid. Yes the robot are dead. Only some scratches. Can't wait to see those ideas. And of course you can help fix my suit." Tony states with a smirk trying to answer all of his sons questions. He throws one arm around And then moves me into a side hug. "Let's order pizza!" Just as he says that the rest of the avengers enter.
"'Sup bug buy!" Clint friendly greets.
"It's an arachnid. Hi Katniss." Clint absolutely hates it when I call him that. So I call him that all the time. I don't see what the big deal is though. Katniss is great. Clint rolls his eyes. To my surprise Thor walks in behind him all decked out in his cape.
"Hello child of Stark. It's a pleasure to see you." Thor's loud voice booms causing me to flinch a bit due to my enhanced hearing.
"Hi Thor." Natasha face looks almost as if she's bored as she gives a slight nod to me.
"So tell me those web shooter ideas." Bruce says and Tony nods. Luckily it is in between receptionist shifts so we don't have to worry about my identity. Their are security guards but they already know. Steve and the other none scientist grunt as they follow the three scientist up to the pent house.

"Pepper! How've you been?" Tony asks planting a kiss on Pepper cheek. Pepper and Tony walk into the kitchen talking about some stuff the rest of us gather around the tv. After a while of waiting the pizza comes and we all wrestle each other to get a piece. Steve grabs the remote from Buckys metal arm and flips the channel to the news. What I see I almost can't believe. My face pales and my eyes widens along with every one else's. The news report says,
"At Midtown high yesterday morning straight A student Peter Parker got caught texting the one and only Tony Stark Aka Ironman. Parker refers to the Avengers Tower as home leading us to wonder if the famous Tony and Pepper have adopted a kid. One source says he was just texting a friend to seem popular but as the events described came true it is hard to believe that. Their had been no statements given by Tony, Parker or the school." What? Why? I can feel my whole world crashing down before me as I try to hold back tears. They can't know! My surroundings blur into one and muffled voices fill my ears. As a shocked Tony appears to be waving everybody off. Instinctively my hands fly to my ears. As if that's going to protect me from anything a voice in my head screams. Tony's gentle hand covers my wrist as he gently pulls my arm from my ears.
"Peter, deep breaths it will be ok. Shh." Tony's soothing words calm me down but questions run through my mind and tears spill over my eyes. They can't know about this. They can't. Tony moves so he is sitting next to my on the couch looking at the building light illuminating the city. A comforting hand is placed around my shoulders easing the tension away. I roll in on his arm and put my face in the crook of his neck creating a wet spot in his shirt from my tears. "You really that embarrassed I'm your dad?" He jokes bringing a smile to my face, "It's going to be ok. We will just hold a press conference, say your my intern staying here for a bit. It'll be Fine stop stressing."
"What if they find out I'm your son, dad? After that what if they found out I'm Spiderman and try to take me away? Dad I'm so scared." Peter can imagine Tony's eyes lighting up when Peter called him Dad. Tony moves his hand in circles on Peters shoulder.
"I'm not going to let anybody touch you. You'll be ok. It's been a long day. Let's go to bed." I lazily nod my head following Tony to my bedroom.
"If you need anything you know where to find me. Night Kid." I think I mutter a response before falling into sleep.
A/N I hope this chapter is good. Next chapter is going to have to do with a press conference. PLEASE TELL YOUR AVENGER LOVIN FRIENDS ABOUT THIS STORY!!! That's was a little over dramatics but you get the point. Sorry if I accidentally switched to third person a couple times. Their is also probably lots if typos cause I'm writing this on my phone which Loki (see what I did their) suck but what cha gonna do. Anyhow please keep reading and leave comments. Also check out Energy. I'll update that one soon too!

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