"I Know What We're Gonna Do Today!"

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Phineas Flynn
1637 Hours
May 24th, 2013

Finally! Summer vacation, at last! I've been waiting for 180 straight days for this summer! Oh, in case none of you know, my name is Phineas Flynn, and starting today, I, along with my friends Buford, Baljeet, and, ahhh, Isabella, and my stepbrother Ferb, are on our 15th summer vacation, and I want to start this summer off with a bang! (Wait, did I mentally sigh when I mentioned Isabella's name? Funny, that came outta nowhere).

My only problem is that I have no idea how to execute it. I know, I know, I can hear your gasps. This isn't like me, but to be fair, I've had so many assignments, projects and tests throughout the year, I never had the chance to actually formulate any ideas.

But enough about me and my indecisive butt, back to the story!

"Finally, after 180 days of unrelenting work, summer is upon us! And this isn't any other summer, Ferb."

Before I could speak, he pulled out a flag that said the number '15' on it and began waving it around. Then his backpack unzipped itself and confetti shot out of it, sprinkling down to the ground.

"You are always one step ahead, aren't you Ferb?" I shoot a sly look at him.

He gives me a quick smirk.

"Well since Isa is going to her Fireside Girls meeting, Baljeet is staying after school, and Buford is....well I don't really know what Buf is doing."

Ferb showed me a picture of Buford spray painting a picture of.....uhh.... I wouldn't want to offend our younger readers, so just use your imagination, on the principal's car.

"Oh yeah," I say, "Hm, well I guess it's just us tonight. That gives us time to think of something to kick off our 15th summer vacation!"

Just then, something fast hit my backpack, splashing a small amount of liquid onto my neck.

"Gah!" I scream in surprise. Ferb checks my bag and emerges with a green substance on his fingers.

"Radioactive goo?!" I exclaim without thinking.

He shakes his head and slaps me.


He points behind me. I wheel around to see a group of younger kids dressed in black and shooting each other with paintball guns.

Whoops. What was I thinking? Radioactive goo? That's rich...

I shake my head and focus on the kids playing paintball. It was small scale but they looked like they were having a ball. I begin tapping my chin.

"Hm, that...looks..."

As I was thinking, I see Ferb out of the corner of my eye roll his eyes and hold up three fingers and begins to count down. Now I don't know what that has to do with paintball but....wait a minute.

"Ferb! I know what we're gonna do today!" I exclaim.

He shakes his head and pulls out a calendar and points to tomorrow.

"Oh right, I mean tomorrow," I say, "We're gonna host our own paintball match, of course with our own twist to it."

He gives me a thumbs up.

"Come on! We got no time to waste!" I begin to run, grabbing his wrist.

This is going to be the coolest paintball match in the history of history!


I burst through the front door and throw our backpacks off to the side and begin grabbing empty blueprints and pencils and head to the kitchen table. I saw Ferb waltz right in and organize our stuff, before I ran back and grabbed him by the arm in a mad frenzy.

Phineas and Ferb: Semper PhineasWhere stories live. Discover now