Debrief (A/N)

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Seeing as you are reading this chapter, I'd take it that you have finished this story.

Well then, let me be the first to say, thank you for taking the time to read this story. Granted it is a...unique addition to the "Phineas and Ferb" fandom, but, in my defense, I've always wanted to write a story around a paintball war getting out of hand, and it was very recently that the show had been re-introduced to me, and I've since been indulging myself on the fan fictions that accompany the series. However, as I was reading these stories that the old idea of a rogue paintball war crossed my mind once more, and with the wacky universe of Phineas and Ferb in front of me, I decided "What the heck? If people are writing stories of Phinabella with their own unique plots, then why can't I?"

And so, this work, my first published one on this site to be precise, was born. And seeing as you guys enjoyed this story, I've taken the liberty to create a sequel to this.

What is it about? Well...let's just say I've omitted a few details from the Aftermath section of this story and let me tell you, it isn't sunshine and lollipops for the majority of the kids that played the game. Granted they were not traumatized (reason being is that they're teenagers, come on, the only way you can traumatize them is by... I'm being told I can't say that kinda stuff on a site like this, so make up what traumatized you) by this game, but that doesn't mean they weren't hostile to other kids that they fought against in the war. Many kids had different reasons why they were lashing out: maybe they still had a bit of militantism in them that the Pacification-Inator didn't manage to erase or were veterans who were thirsty for violence, some probably wanted revenge for what the militants and bullies had done, both during and, dare I say, after the war, or maybe some people, those who didn't participate, began to hold a grudge against Phineas and Ferb and their friends for "destroying" their hometown and against the Doofenshmirtz mayorship for not punishing them properly...

But from there, I must end it. And I must end this story as well.

Until next time...

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