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3rd pov

"She can't be gone." The teen cries into the sleeve of his red hoodie while hunched over the table in middle of the small bus. It's been almost two weeks since dakota left and to be honest, he's not doing that great.

      "Jonah, cmon man. We're all devastated but we have to think about what's best for us...our fans." Corbyn softly speaks out as he slides into the opposite side of the table. The blonde teen looks down at his hands and start to pick at his nails. He should've said something when he was first talking to Dakota and had a suspension that something was going on.

"Jonah, they need you and if i'm being honest right now, you need them." Daniel frowns and sets his large hand onto the back of one of his best friends. After a long pause Jonah lets out a large sigh and lifts his head up from his arms to reveal his swollen face.

"i'll go tonight." He pushes out. His band mates look around at each-other, all surprised with his response but also a little bit confused.

"Wait...What do you mean?" Zach asks.

"I'll come to the concert tonight...Our fans are the ones who got us here and the deserve to see all five of us, not four." Jonah breathes and lets out a slightly shaky sigh. The boys once again look at each-other and slowly nod, not wanting him to change his mind but wanting the best for him.

jonah's pov

"You almost ready?" Jacks voice comes softly through the thin door separating us two. I let out a nod but remembered that he can't see it.

"Yeah just give me one more second." I speak out. I made my way over to the mirror and check the makeup resting underneath my eyes that is covering up the redness from the past few days. Once satisfied with the inspection I make my way out of the room and into the front of the bus where everyone is waiting.

"What are you guys staring at?" I break out a little laugh and grab a fuji water from the fridge before pushing past everyone and start to exit the bus before getting on the cart that's going to be bringing us to the venue.

"Are you sure you wanna do this?" Daniel questions under his breath so no one will hear besides me and him. I give him a little look before opening my mouth to speak.

Do I really want to do this? I mean the limelight's deserves the world and they deserve to see everyone but honestly...Can I handle this right now? I don't know what i'm going to do if someone asks about her...What do I say? Do I smile and pretend everything's fine? Or do I tell them the truth? My past year has been revolving around her and now that she's not here it's almost like I forgot how to do the simplest tasks...I just need a distraction to get my mind off of her.

"Yeah, I think it'll be a good distraction." I force a smile and daniel gives me a small nod and turns back around to face the front.


"5 Minutes till showtime!" Amber, the backstage manager peaks her head in and tells us. She closes the door and suddenly a wave of panic washes over me.

"I can't do this!" I quietly speak to myself. I fumble with the black tie around my neck and slowly everything starts to feel like it's closing in on me.

"I can't do this!" I yell louder this time, catching the attention of my fellow band mates.

Make it stop.

"Jonah..." Zach quietly speaks out, not knowing what to do with the situation.

"Jonah look at me." Corbyn speaks and gently grabs me by my shoulders, forcing me to look at him in his worried-filled eyes.

"Just breathe J, breathe with me." He cries, letting out deep breathes then breathing out again until I start to follow along...Slowly regaining my right state of mind.

"Thank you Corbyn." I let out a smile and pull him into a hug. He literally stopped a mental breakdown...He stopped me from getting lost in my thoughts and I can't think him enough for that.

"You ready boys?" Tyler happily barges in, not knowing what just took place in front of him.

"As ready as i'll ever be."


dakota's pov

      "Dad you don't have to do this." I shakily breath out. The monster in front of me lets out an evil giggle and sets down the bottle of alcohol he has been drinking onto the wooden table nearest to him.

      "I don't have to do a lot of things...But I still do them don't I?" He smirks and starts to creep closer, closing the gap that was once in between us.

      "She's a child! Dad, why can't you see?" I speak and push Emily behind my back, protecting her from the monster making his way closer and closer with each of his heavy steps.

      "Emily, when I say go you're going to run to your room and lock the door. Don't come out until you hear me." I softly speak to the frighten girl as I crouch down to her height. I feel a cold, rough hand hardly grabbing my shoulder and I let out a little yelp.

      "NOW EM!" I shout and watch her small frame run down the hall and soon into her room where her door slams shut with a loud bang.

      "Oh, you're such a bitch!" He slurs and suddenly pushes me into the wall, grasping into my neck with his two strong hands holding me into place.

      "Please don't do this!" I cry and start to kick and try to prey his hands away from my neck as they slowly start to tighten.

      "You don't understand how badly I want to end you right here but what's the fun of that?" He laughs quietly into my ear, sending chills throughout my whole body.

      "Can't...Breathe." I somehow to manage to choke out. He shakes his hand and suddenly removes his hands from my neck, causing me to come crashing down onto the floor.

      "No one can save you from me...Not even your stupid little boyfri-"



The ending of dakota's part will be the beginning of chapter two!

Comment what lane you're in, i'm curious!

Next part at 10 comments and 7 votes!

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