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"What do you mean we're leaving today?" Dakota questions her mother as she sits up from her warm spot on her bed, trying her best not to wake up her sleeping sister besides her.

"We need to leave, as soon as possible. It's not safe to stay in this house anymore because-" Bethany starts but was only cut off by her oldest daughter.

"It's not safe because of Mike mom! Why can't you see that he's just an abusive monster?" Dakota whisper yells at her mom, afraid of Mike hearing what she has to say.

      "That's no way to speak of your father!" Bethany scolds, only earning an eye roll from Dakota. She takes a deep breath and continues with her sentence.

      "It's not safe because we have a lot of enemies right now hunny...They want to hurt your father and who knows maybe they even want to hurt us." She sighs and sits on the edge of the bed reaching for her daughters hand but only to have it be retracted from her.

      "Good, let them hurt him." Dakota spits. Bethany rolls her eyes in annoyance and starts to head towards the door, it's not worth fighting with her daughter over this.

       "We're leaving in a few hours, I highly recommend waking up your sister and don't forget to pack lightly, you guys can only bring one suitcase each." She coldly speaks and leaves the room but not before hearing Dakota speak under her breath.

       "I'm not going."

      After Dakota was done packing her sisters suitcase along with hers she slowly reaches a hand out and lightly shakes her sister, earning her to roll over and let out a small sigh.

      "What do you want?" She quietly questions and covers her eyes with her pale arm, shielding her eyes from the bright light.

      "Emily, you need to wake up. Mommy and Daddy are going to try and take us away today but I'm not going to let that happen." She softly speak, trying her best to not make sister worry. She slowly nods her head and sits up, waiting for Dakota to tell her more information.

      "Where are we going?" She questions. Dakota lets out a little sigh and opens her mouth to speak.

      "If i'm being honest, I have no clue. I don't know when we'll be back or if we'll be back but I can promise you I'll get us out of this." Dakotas gives her a small smile and she nods her head. She can't let her parents take them away because the moment they're somewhere new god knows what will happen.

      Just as Emily was about to ask another question a voice was heard calling them down from the kitchen.

      "We better go down." Emily laughs and pulls Dakota off of the large bed and down the staircase into the kitchen where their parents were sat around the round table. There were a plate sat in front of each chair, each glass plate holding eggs, bacon, and pancakes.

      Emily runs to her usual spot around the table and instantly digs into the eggs, one of her favorite foods. Dakota on the other hand was questioning the food, trying to remember the last time her mother made breakfast for them all.

     Why would she start making breakfast today?

      Dakota shakes her head and decides to give her mother the benefit of the doubt, maybe she's just trying to be a good mom? She picks up a piece of the pancake on her fork and slowly puts a piece in her mouth, glancing at her dad in the process who's leaning back in his chair smirking.

      "How's the food tasting?" Mike questions after seeing Dakotas plate almost empty. Dakota instantly stops chewing and gives her father a questioning look.

      "Why do you ask?" She asks and swallows the bite that was previously in her mouth. He just laughs and takes a sip of his coffee.

      "Just give it a second." He speaks plainly. Dakota turns to her mom but then it hits her. The whole world seemed to zoom out, everything was in slow motion and it felt like she was no longer in her own body. Her breathing started to slow down and next thing you know her body hits the table with a loud slam, shattering the plate that was in front of her and earning a little scream from her little sister.

      "Shut up!" Mike glares at the little girl who's now crying. He stands up and grabs Emily by her small wrist, dragging her to the car in the garage.

      "Don't fucking move or else i'll make sure you can't move." He threatens Emily as he places her in the back seat of the car, buckling her in. He slams the door and makes his way back into the kitchen where his wife was still sat at the table, starring at her hands in shock of what she just done, drugged her own daughter.

      Mike rolls his eyes and grabs Dakota by her hair so he could pull her to be sitting upright in her chair. He pulls out some rope he found in the garage and starts to tie her to the chair, making sure to tie it tightly so there was no chance of her getting out when she wakes up...If she wakes up.

      "Bethany go to the car." He speaks still starring at his daughter. When he heard no response he slams his hand down on the table and whips around to look at the woman still sitting in her chair.

      "Do it now!" He yells, getting more pissed off by the second. Bethany snaps out of her gaze and scurries out of her chair and into the car but not before taking one last glance at her daughter.

      As Bethany leaves the room Mike looks back down at his daughter, smirking. How did everything fall in place so perfectly? He wanted to leave, go somewhere far away where no one would be able to tell him what to do and how to treat his family. He wanted to be the one in control but he knew there was no way of doing that in this house especially when he had one thing stopping him, Dakota. All the times she pissed him off and disrespected him is going to get back at her.

     Finally snapping out of his little daze he quickly grabs a cloth, tying it in Dakotas mouth to act as a gag and just before he leaves he decides to give Dakota what was waiting for her, a good ole punishment that will surly leave a mark.


Oof this chapter kinda sucks but I can promise it's getting somewhere (i think??)

Don't forget to follow me if you aren't all ready!! :))

Next chapter at 20 votes and 25 comments!

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