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Jonah was awoken by a series of harsh taps on his shoulder from the impatient flight attendant.

"Sir, we have landed in New York." She forces and smile and walks away from him, leaving him sitting in his seat. Jonah was slowly about to fall back asleep but then he remembered the reason why he came: Dakota.

The young teen shoots up from his spot and rushed out of the plane doors, into the airport where he sprits pass the baggage claim, not having to stop because he didn't bring anything with him besides his phone and his wallet. He runs out of the main door and to the closest taxi he sees.

"Are you available?" Jonah pants, out of breath from all of the running he just done. The driver looks at him and motions him to jump in.

"Where you heading?" He asks and pulls up his GPS. Jonah tells him the address of Dakotas house and the man nods his head, punching the address into the device. This of course felt like for ever to Jonah even though in reality it was only a few seconds. The driver soon presses his foot to the pedal and next thing you know Jonah feels an instant wave of relief wash over him knowing he'll be able to hug Dakota again soon.

While Jonah grows anxious with every ticking second, Dakota starts to feel fear. Her head is pounding and everything in her body starts the throb. She try's to move her arms and legs but to her luck she's tied down, and tightly may she add.

Dakota looks around her, trying to make sense of the situation. Where is everyone and why is she tied up? She looks around the room and realizes she's alone, they all left her and worst of all they took Emma.

They cannot take Emily! She's the only one Dakota cares about in this family and is the reason she came back to the fucked up life! Who knows where she is now and if she's in danger!

Dakota suddenly feels her chest tighten and she starts to panic. She needs to get to her sister and fast. Dakota starts pulls at her bounds, only earning her skin to be burnt by the rope. She starts to cry and scream in hopes of someone hearing her even though she knows no one will.

      Dakota squeezes her eyes shut and try's to slow down her breathing. She will get through this. She will get to her sister. As Dakota was starting to calm down she suddenly hears a knock on her door, causing her jump. She stares in the direction of the sound until she heard it again, this time a little louder.

      "Mhmmm-" Dakota try's to yell. She hears the knock one more time but this time it was a little weaker, as if who ever it was, was giving up. Dakota quickly looks around knowing that in order to gain their attention she needs to make a noise. Without thinking twice she throws her chair to the ground, causing a loud crashing sound. She squeezes her eyes shut, praying that whoever was out was still there until she heard the front door starting to open. She heard heavy footsteps approach the room she was in until they suddenly stopped.

      Jonah stood there, his heart in his stomach from the sight in front of him. Dakota laid there tied up in a chair, blood dripping from her forehead down the side of her face and bruises were apparent all over her body.

      "Dakota..." Jonah's voice cracks. He couldn't believe he allowed this to happen to her. This was all his fault. He let the one he cares about the most get hurt and that's something he'll never forgive himself for.

     "Jonah?" Dakota questions, afraid to open her eyes incase if this was all just a dream. She recognized his voice and she so badly wants it to be him but there was no chance this could be Jonah standing in front of her. She slowly opens her eyes and her heart drops. There jonah was, standing in his black skinny jeans and black t-shirt, his hair all messy and his cheeks were stained pink. He was crying in his hands, in disbelief that he actually found her.

      "Jonah...Jonah look at me!" Dakota shouts at the teen. He looks down at her and stands up, approaching her frame.

      "Please untie me." She speaks and next thing you know she felt the all so familiar arms wrap around her weak body and pulls her close to him, his scent filling up her nose.

      "I missed you so damn much Dakota." Jonah cries and tightens his hold around her as if at any moment she would disappear from him again.

       "I'm so sorry." She cries and shoves her bloody face into his t-shirt.

      The two just stood there, appreciating each other after being separated for so long. All of their problems disappeared and they knew as along as they stood by each other they would allow nothing to happen to one another.

"God I missed you so much"

Okay I know this chapter sucked but hey, two chapters in one day? I think so!

!! Comment if I should write this story in 3rd pov or have a mix of both !!

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