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dakotas pov

      "You're bleeding." Jonah softly speaks as he pulls away from the hug, his voice filled with pain. He slowly reaches up and touches softly where the main cut is located and pulls his hand away, his fingers were instantly covered in blood.

"This isn't good..." Jonah mumbles to himself. He pauses for a moment before looking up from his hand and locking eyes with mine.

"You don't feel anything do you?" He questions. I wait a few moments before shaking my head 'no'.

"We need to get you help... and fast!" He panics.

"Jonah, i'm fine." I finally speak up. I allow my small hand to grab his bicep and he stops from his moment of panic.

"You're not okay kota, you're in shock!" He points out and pulls out his phone. "I just got you back and I can't lose you now! So either you let me drive you to the hospital or i'll call an ambulance to come get you." He speaks, not giving me much options to choose from even though I feel completely fine.

"Fine, lets go." I whisper. Jonah lets out a sigh of relief and grabs my hand in his, pulling me along out the front door and into his car.


      I shift my gaze over towards jonah, he's gripping the steering wheel hard with his right hand, making his knuckles turn white as his left hand runs back and forth through his now messy brown hair and he sucks in his bottom lip as if he's trying to stop the thousands of questions he has flowing through his brain from coming out. After a few more moments of starring, Jonah finally opens his mouth to say something.

     "Who did this to you Dakota?"

      I take a deep breath and squeeze my eyes shut as the memories came rushing back all at once.

"My-my dad. We were eating and next thing you know I was knocked out and when I woke up everyone was gone and you were here...Oh gosh, Jonah, he took Emily. He has Emily! I have to go find her!" I begin to panic. I quickly place my hands over the seat belt and try to unbuckle myself. I have no idea what that was going to accomplish but Jonah instantly places one of his hands on top of both of my small ones.

      "Kota, you're okay. I promise you, you are okay. Just breathe for me. In order to help your sister you have to be okay." He softly breaths, trying his best to calm me down.    

      I nod my head, he's right. I can't do anything if i'm not okay. I need to be able to take care of myself before I can go out and try to find my sister.

"Now when we get inside the doctors are going to check you out, but don't worry. I promise you i'm never going to leave your side ever again." Jonah breathes as he pulls the vehicle into a parking spot in front of the emergency room. I nod my head, feeling another drip of blood racing down the side of my face. Jonah quickly hops out and rushes to my side of the car to open the door before I could even process what I needed to do to exit the vehicle.

"C'mon love, you'll be okay I promise." Jonah calmly speaks as he guides me out of the car and towards the front doors.


"Good evening Miss Glass? Is that correct?" A doctor suddenly spoke from the entry of the room I was placed in. I quickly shake my head 'no' and correct him. I'm no longer a Glass, once my dad came back he ripped that name away from me and I never once was proud to tell people that I was a Glass.

      "Call me Dakota." I speak, looking down the pick at my all ready shot finger nails.

     "Sorry about that. Well Dakota, while I run some blood work can you please tell the nurse how this happened?" The doctor whose name tag read Jefferson spoke as he eyed the cut on my head and the burn marks that wrapped around both of my wrists and ankles. He grabs some type of alcohol and begins to clean up an area on my arm. Once I realized what he was about to do I suddenly sucked all of my air in.

     "Kota, you're okay! Please, just breathe. I promise you everything will be okay." Jonah jumps up from his spot on the chair and rushes to my side, instantly wrapping his large hand around mine. I let out a deep breath and the doctor finally shoved the needle in my arm, collecting all the blood he needs and taking it out.

      "I'll be back in a few with the results. In a little bit my coworker will be coming in to take you to a MRI scan and ask you a few questions about what happened." The doctor fakes a smile and rushes out of the room.

      "Thank you." I breathe. I take a look at Jonah and he smiles down at me.

      "I'm so sorry this had to happen to you..." Jonah whispers as he starts to rub his thumb on the back of my hand.

      "It's not your fault, I'm sorry for leaving without tel-" I began but was cut off by the sound of multiple footsteps entering the room.

      "Hello Miss Glass-"

     "It's dakota."

     "Dakota- I'm Dr. Swanson and i'm one of your nurses. I'm here with these two gentlemen to talk about what happened to you." She softly smiles and two officers come out from behind her, each with black uniforms and shiny gold badges that says the city we're in.

      "So how about we start from the top?" One of the men says. I quickly look up towards Jonah and he gives me a soft nod as if he's telling me to go on. I take a deep breath in and finally begin to speak.


      "Please help me find my sister!" I cry out towards the two men. They both look at each other and one opens his notebook.

      "What happened to your sister?" The officer breaths out as if he has better things to do with his life.

      "Her name is Emily Glass, my dad and my mom took her after my dad did this to me! They're not home and all of their things are gone. Please help, there's no way Emily can defend herself like I had to!" I start to cry. Jonah quickly wraps his arms around my small frame and starts to rub my back, trying to prevent me from a panic attack. The officer closes his notebook and slightly giggles.

     "If we find anything about your sister we will contact you." He flashes a smile and walks out of the room with his partner leaving Jonah and I there to just cry it out.

     "Well he was kind of a dick." I softly laugh. There's no way these guys are going to help. I know how these things work. They're going to wait until they get a tip before they start doing anything. I slightly shake my head at the thought and the nurse comes back in.

      "Ready to go in?" She smiles and reaches for one of my arms, Jonah grabbing the other to help guide me to the wheelchair that's in the doorway.

      "I'll be right here for you when you get back dakota." He smiles at me. I softly nod my head and look back at him as the nurse begins to wheel me away. Just as we were about to be out of view I quickly opened my mouth and pushed out the three words i've been waiting to say to him for quite some time.

      "I love you."


Oof, I honestly have no clue where I'm heading with the book and this chapter is all over the place lmao. I'm so sorry about that. Buttt for now here's this haha!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2021 ⏰

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