Chapter 9

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Joseph's eyes caught sight of the car speeding down the small road faster than it should be going, and he freaked out. It was happening just like before. And the brunet shot from the leaning grasp from Lea towards the distracted girl walking across the crosswalk.

         He heard a shrill scream and the screeching of tires across the asphalt.

         The car was a few feet from the girl when a few things happened. Ann-Marie finally noticed the car towards her and froze in horror. Before the car could make it within a hair's length of her, Joseph leapt and slammed into her tiny frame causing them both to go crashing to the other side of the crosswalk. They had barely missed the car. It was too close for comfort though. Joseph groaned in pain. When he had slammed into the girl, he’d made sure to twist their bodies so that Ann-Marie would land on him and he could take the brute force of the landing. He succeeded, although feeling the repercussions upon doing so. He had landed awkwardly on his arms, and began to feel a numbing pain spread throughout his left wrist. Besides that, pretty much everything was sore, but at least they weren't dead. Ann-Marie was still draped over him, and was dazed by the fall. She made it hard for him to breathe. But he didn’t care. This time he had saved her.


Lea watched in horror as time seemed to slow down as Joseph slammed Ann-Marie out of the way of the speeding car, sending them crashing into the asphalt beside the speeding car that kept on driving. Not moments before, he had seen that spirit who was haunting Joseph push the Chinese girl in front of the car. No one else seemed to notice though. But Lea had to let out a small sigh of relief that they did not get hit by the car.

         Lea and Sarah hastily ran towards their fallen friends in the middle of the road.

        Ann-Marie was dazed. She slowly stirred from the shock. She was expecting to be more hurt than she felt, but she had landed on the person who had saved her. She yelped when she realized she was still on top of the guy who saved her, and clumsily rolled off him. He sucked in breaths of air.

        "O-oh my god, you saved my life." Ann-Marie gasped, attempting to get up. She felt weak from the shock though and fell back to the ground.

         "Holy crap, are you guys alright?" Lea asked in concern as he reached the two. Being a gentleman, he gently helped Ann-Marie to her feet before leading the disoriented girl into the open arms of Sarah, whom began checking her over thoroughly. He then hurriedly kneeled at Joseph's side to check if his friend was ok.

         "You alright, Marie?" Sarah comforted the shocked Ann-Marie, who was trembling.

         "I-I think so...just a few cuts..."Ann-Marie said shakily, then looked towards the brunet on the ground. "W-what about him?"

         "Hey Joseph, you okay man?" Lea asked in concern, putting his hand on Joseph's shoulder.

         "Nngh, y-yeah," Joseph groaned, grimacing from the pain, "H-help me up, would ya?"

         Lea nodded, glad to see his friend wasn't fatally injured. The brunet still looked a bit scratched up. The red-head grasped the brunet's outstretched arm and heaved him up to his feet. The brunet swayed but stayed upright.

         "O-oh God, I am so sorry!" Ann-Marie apologized with guilt, if she had only been paying attention this wouldn't had happened.

        "I-It's fine. Just,” Joseph smiled awkwardly, unsure of what to say. He was talking to Ann-Marie; granted this wasn’t what he wanted their first meeting to go like but he’d take what he could get. “Just be careful, alright?"

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