Chapter 6

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Zeke's Point Of View

I knew she was lying, but I didn't know what about. Something is up with her family. I could tell by the way her eyes lost their light when she told me about her dad. I'll have to look into that. Although right now I have to got ready for a dinner with the alpha of this area.


Jenny's Point of View

I ran as fast as I could but with malnutrition my body is very weak and I ended up getting home a little after dark.

"Where have you been?!" my father yelled.

"I was with Kylie finishing a project for class. we lost track of time and I am extremely sorry. It won't happen again." I mumbled while bowing my head showing submission.

"Damn right it won't happen again because the next time it does I will give you the worse punishment of your life! Do I make my self clear?!"

"Yes alpha."

"Now go get ready we have new people in our territory and we are having dinner with them." He told me.

"Do you want me to make us dinner?" I asked.

"No I'll have one of the maids do it, but you have 35 minutes and if your late there will be consequences."

"Yes sir." I mumbled then ran up the stairs to my bedroom/attic. Having people over is bittersweet. I like it when people are over because father wouldn't "punish" my that day because he wouldn't risk getting caught, so it gave my body and wolf time to heal. But I hated it because that means that the next day he will beat me twice as much since he missed the day before.

I grabbed a long sleeve maroon dress with black tights and black flats from my bin of clothes and ran into the bathroom to take a shower.

After I was sure that I scrubbed all of the sweat off from my run, I hopped out of the shower and put on my clothes and light makeup, fixing my hair so it dried in its natural wavy way leaving it down. I finished just in time to hear the doorbell and I rushed downstairs to get the door. I opened the door to see Zeke standing with four other people.



Zeke Point of view

'What is she doing here?' My wolf asked.

'I don't know but we are going to find out.'

I realized that no one had said anything yet so I decided to take the first move.

"Hi." I said.

"H-hi. What are you doing here?" Jenny asked.

"I'm here to have dinner with the alpha."

"Oh. Uh come on in I guess." She mumbled with a blush tinting her cheeks. She was so cute when she blushed like that.

'Girl.' My wolf Alec mumbled.

'Shut up!' I growled back.

Jenny moved out of the way to allow us to enter and as I passed I inhaled her strawberry scent. Apparently she liked my smell too because I caught her leaning in to smell more. I let out a chuckle and she instantly snapped out of it and her cheeks once again turned a bright shade of red.

"Well hello it's very nice that you all could make it tonight." I heard someone else say. I looked towards the new comer and he stuck out his hand.

"Alpha Lucas." he stated.

"Nice to meet you I'm Alpha Zeke and these are my parents Ana and Tom. And over there is my Beta Caleb and his mate Susie." I replied while shaking his hand.

"Well let's not crowed the door lets go eat!" he lead us towards and large dinning room with a table in the middle. We all took our seats and luckily for me I got to sit next to Jenny while Alpha Lucas took the other side of her.

"And who might you be?" My mother asked Jenny.

"Oh! How rude of me. I'm Jenny I'm Alpha Lucas's daughter."

"That is very lovely. You are such a beautiful girl." A thank you was mumbled and that was the end of their conversation. After dinner Lucas sat back and put his arm on the back of Jenny's chair. She instantly tensed but immediately relaxed. it was so fast that if I wasn't watching her I would have missed it. I knew something wasn't right between them but I wasn't sure what it was.

"How about we all go into the living room where we can all sit and discus some things?" Lucas said. We all got up but Jenny and I were the last ones to get up. As soon as everyone was all cleared out of the dining room I grabbed her wrist to pull her back to me. Only as soon as I touched her wrist she flinched and whimpered on pain. I was scared that something had happened and pushed her sleeve up only for me to see big black and blue marks all up her arm.

"Who did this to you?" I whispered while staring at the marks.

"No one. I'm just a very clumsy girl that's all." I knew she was lying by the way her pulse sped up.

"Don't Lie to me Jenny what the hell happened?!" I said but I was still quiet so we didn't call attention to ourselves, I could tell she didn't want anyone to find out.

"Fine I'll tell you but not here, tomorrow morning meet me at the hallway towards the gym lockers." She said.

I could only answer a curt okay before I walked into the living before my wolf lost control. Tomorrow will be an interesting day and if I don't like what I hear she will be living with me and I won't ever let her out of my sight again.



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