Chapter 12

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Jenny's Point Of View

I opened my eyes to find that I was in a completely dark tunnel.

"Hello?" I called out. I looked around to only realize that I was alone.

"Anyone? Please help me, I don't know what's going on! Where am I?!" My throat was dry and my voice came out more of a screech.

"I've been waiting awhile for you to wake up now." An eery voice said. I looked around but still didn't see anyone.

"Where am I?!" I shouted.

"Well right now your unconscious in he hospital but since you aren't conscious I thought it was time we had a little chat. You see all those years of abuse, and when your dad beat you bout a week or so ago, you finally cracked." The voice chuckled.
"Well where am I?" I snapped getting irritated.

"I don't really know where we are but from personal experience you don't ever get to leave."

"What are you taking about? Have you gone insane? Or have I really cracked? Oh my god I'm crazy! Talking to someone that's not even there-"

"Oh calm down princess! It's not so bad here."

"Why can't I leave?" I started to panic. What about Zeke?!

"Cuz you can't." The voice replied calmly.

"And what's the reason for that? I need a real answer!" I screamed.
"Well princess it seems that the darkness likes you too." And with that he walked into the shadows and disappeared. The darkness what is he talking about? He's clearly delusional, but right now I have bigger problems. I gotta find my way out of here.
Zeke's Point Of View
I could hear voices but I just couldn't move my body. And then I felt pressure on my hand.
"It's okay Zee everything is going to be okay." I heard my mom say. I struggled to get my words out.
"What's that?" She asked.
"Jenny." I finally mumbled out although it came out as a whisper.
"Yes Jenny is okay. Everything will be okay." I did my best to shake my head.
"No!" I said a little louder. Something was wrong I could feel it. I searched through the mate bond to try and see what was wrong with Jenny but even though I knew she was right in the other room it felt like she was across the world.
"Something's wrong!" I shouted. "I feel it! Something's wrong with Jenny!" I could sense people trying to come into the room, probably to give my more meds to calm me down like they have been all week, but my mom waved them off.
"Yes Jenny is still in a coma." She whispered back. Her voice full of sorrow.
"No." I said my voice getting a couples octaves lower. "You don't feel what I feel. She's not here. And wherever she is she isn't safe, I have to help her!" I could feel my eyes start to water as I tried to fight agonist the restraints.
"Honey she is right on the other room." Mom said back.
"Physically yes but mentally no! Can't you see if we don't help her she'll die!" I screamed.
"Well what do you want me to do about it?" My mom asked exasperated.
I started to get feeling in my arms so I waved her closer. Once she lowered he head over my mouth I whispered.
"Get a witch." And with that said I closed my mouth and faced to other way so she would know I was done talking. All she did was sit there with her eyes wide and her mouth hanging open. Eventually she must have realized I was serious and she got up and walked to the door and left without another word.

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