chapter 14

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Zeke's Point Of View

It felt as if someone was pouding on my head. My eyes were heavy and felt as if they had been glued together. As I slowly opened them and everything was blurry but I could just make out a figure sanding in the shadowed corner.

"Hello." i asked groggily. No one answered. "I see you and you better show yourself." I groweled while using my alpha tone. Lately i have been a bit more aggresive since Jenny went into a coma. I heard my wolf growl in my head when I thought of my mate. Weak. Scared. Helpless...

"Oh shut up you pup. I won't respond to your stupid alpha tone, it doesn't work on me smartass." I heard a women snap. The figure emerged and out came a women. She had long curly brown hair with a few streaks of grey. And etremely blue eyes that looked extremly familiar, but that could just be a coincidence. 

"Who are you." I snapped.

"Now that's no way to talk to someone who can help your mate is it?" The women asaid with a slight smirk on he face.

"How can you help her?" I asked, hating the sound of desperation in my voice but when my mate was in her curreent situation i couldn't help it.

"Well." She said, slowly walking around the room to the vase of flowers in the corner and bringing one up to nose. "I can find out who did it how they did it, and how to get her better." The women said.

"What will it cost me?" I asked suspitiously knowing that she wasn't going to do this for free.

"We'll talk about this when we get your Mate back." She said. "Right now we have to get you out of these restraints." She added while waving her hands over the bounds. They instantly broke, freeing my hands. I brought my hand up to rub the raw skin as she undid the bounds at my feet.

"My my you really did get yourself into a sticky situation didn't you?" She said while chuckliing. "Now, lets save my-...your mate." Something clouded over here eyes but she covered it up to quickly for me to see. "Well, are ya comin?" With that said she turned out of the room making her way down the hallway. I quicky made my way off the bed and ran out of the room catching up to her and grabbed her shoulder.

"Hey i never caught your name." I asked.

"That's 'cause i didn't give it." She snapped and made her way down the hallway at a faster pace. As she walked away from me i tried to figure her out. Her scent didn't give out any clarification besides her being a witch. Normally witch families have some sort of distinguished smell, but on her i couldn't smell anything different that would let me find out who she was. Only when she turned a corner and was out of sight did I snap out of my thoughts and ran to catch up. I followed her scent all the way to Jenny's room.

'Man she walks fast for an old women.' I thought to myself.

"For your information i am quite young looking for my age." I heard her snap while she glared at me. I hadn't realised that i had said that out loud and gave her a sheepish smile.

"Whoops?" I asked while shrugging my shoulders and giving her the most innocent smile i could muster. I heard her mumble something under her breath but didn't catch it. Instead of asking what she said i decided to let it slide. Just this once.

"Okay lets see what we have here." She said while placing her hands on Jenny's head. She closed her eyes and her head shot back. I disn't know what to do so i rushed foward on to be pushed back by some sort of wall. The witche's hands were shaking and Jenny's face was becoming even more pale then it was already. I jumped up and rushed foward again, only this time i was prepared for the wall and I brought my hands up to it and pushed with all of my strength. Nothing happened. And Jenny started to shake.

"Jenny!" I screamed while banging on the wall, tears streaming down my face. The light started flickering and then the power went out completely. I looked and the witch was on the floor. I ran up to Jenny and pushed some of the hair out of her face and made sure she was ok, then I I rushed over to the witch and shook her shoulder.

"Miss?" I asked cautiously with no response. "Miss!" I yelled louder and she shot up.

"Well i have some good news and bad news. Which one do you want first?" She questioned getting right to the point.

"Bad first." I said.

"She's stuck in the place witches call the dark dungeons, but your kind call them the dark realms.." She said quiet and quickly. No not my Jenny, she couldn't be. That's the absolute worst place anyone could be sent to. There are mass murderers there. And not the human kind.They'll ruin her, minipulate her, hurt her-.

"The good news is, is that i know who did it." She replied, still looking shocked.

"Who." I managed to croak out. She looked at me with steady weary eyes and said.

"Have you seen her father recently?" She said



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