Chapter 15

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Zeke's Point of view

"Her father?" I questioned. "What does her father have to do with any of this?"

"You don't know do you?" The woman asked.

"Know what?!" I yelled. This women is really starting to push my buttons.

"That her dad isn't all werewolf." She replied.

"Then what the hell is he?" I asked sarcastically. "A pony?"

"This is no joking matter Zeke! Her dad is powerfull. And you are going to need all the help you can get with him against you." The witch said standig up. She walked over the window and stared out, lifting her hand to rub her forehead before sighing.

"Listen. I know you don't trust me enough. And i know that listening to me will be very difficult for you..." She started. Her voice much softer than before.

"Listen to her?!" My wolf yelled. "Who does she think she is?! We are the alpha! No one bosses us around!"

"How about we listen to what she has to say before you turn all hulk. Okay?" I replied.

"But in order to save Jenny, at least help her, we are going to have to do everything preciscely as I say so." The witch finished. I looked over to Jenny's unconcious form lying on the bed. Everything that every werewolf has every told me was to not trust a witch. For damn sake it was the freaking law! And yet here I am about to trust a witch with my mates life...

"Fine.' I hiss out. "But before we do anything. How do you know Jenny.' I questioned staring curiously at her face intensley, searrching for any lies she was about to tell me. I saw her stiffen, and she snapped her head towards me so fast i thought that she would get whiplash.

"What are you talking about?" She asked trying to play dumb.

"How. Do. You. Know. Jenny?" I said again much slower. I stalked closer to her. My steps slow.

"I only just met her today-y." She stuttered. The stutter was so small, if it wasn't for my great hearing I probably would have missed it.

"LIER!" I screamed. She flinched. "I'll give youone more try to be completely honest before i rip you throat out." I growled. She clenched her jaw.

"I wll not answer you." She said back. Her voice eerily quiet. "And you are in no position to threaten. You need MY help. And unless you want your mate to be in that horrble place forever i suggest that you stop your bitching and get your head on right. I am the only who can help you. Your mother? She was about to report you to the council. Claiming that you were talking crazy about needing a witch." She scoffed. "Your lucky I was there boy." She pointed at me. "She would of had you sent to the cage if it wsn't for me." This didn't suprise me. My mom was a very strict believer in the werewolf laws.

"Okay well now we need to get back to the topic." I said firmly."How do we hep Jenny?" I asked eager to help her in any way that I could. I looked at her and my heart brroke a little. She looked so fragile, but she had some color in her cheeks. Wait a minute she's never had color in her face since she went into a coma.

"Witch! Look! She has color in her cheeks!" I yelled. The witch came over to the other side of Jenny's bed.

"She isn't getting better she's fighting." The witch replied while staring at Jenny's face. "She is one tough cookie i'll tell you that but she doesn't have everything that she needs to get out." The witch said.

"So what does she need?" I questioned.

"Whtever the darkness took away from her to make sure that she wouldn't be able to get out." She replied. She turned towards me. "I need you to think and think hard. What could be the best thing that Jenny could have used to get out of a situation?" I thought about it for a minute. I had only known Jenny a short while but I could do this. My mate needed me.  thought about eveytime Jenny was upset or hurt. When her dad beat her, when she had to leave me...Hope! She used hope and what little courage she had to get out of every situation.

"Hope and courage." I voiced aloud. The witch nodded.

'If that's right then we are going to have to act faster than i thought." She replied worrily.

"Why? What's wrong?" I asked.

"The darkness doesn't just take away things right away. It takes them as the person tries to usee them. There's color in Jenny's ckeeks. She's hoping to get out. She's fighting for it. Which means she's using courage. Soon, maybe a few hours all of her hope and courage will be gone and she'll be stuck." She said. " What you need to do is get me a few candles and some herbs so i can start."

"There's a place a few blocks down will it work?" I asked. She nodded her head. "Also when we do this how long do you think it will take her to fight her way out?" Te witch turned to me.

"Time here and time ther aren't the same. A week could go by here and ony a matter of hours could have passed there. For us it should be about two weeks. For her probably about a day." A day?

"She's a lot stronger than you may think." The witch said. I must have voice my thoughts. 'Now go quickly we don't have much time!" I nodded a ran out of the door and out of the hospital.


Three whole weeks. That's how long it's been since we performed the ceremony, and there has been no signs of change. Well, i shouldn't say that  because jenny's face has gotten the color back in her cheeks and her hair color is brighter now but.... Jeez i'm a mess

"Why don't you go and get some sleep you look horrible." I hear Jenny's doctor say. "There's an empty rom right next to this one that you can use for a nap. I know that those hospital chairs are far from comfortable." I look over at her.

"I wish I could but I can't. What if Jenny wakes up? I want to be the first one she sees." I say.

"Do you really think that she is going to want to see you look like this? Blood shot eyes, bearded face, bags underneath your eyes?" I don't answer. "Just think about it. If you ever change your mind the room is always unlocked, just go right in." She tells me. I hear her sigh as she walks out of the room closing the door silently. I look over towards Jenny and let out a loud sigh.

'She's right you know? The nurse? Jenny wouldn't want to see us like this.' My wolf says.

'I know.... It's just hard to leave her.' I reply.

'And you think I don't know that? I think you forget wee shae the same human body here?' My wolf jokes making me feel a little better.

'Fine lets go take a quick nap.' I say giving in to the idea of Itrying to fall asleep. Lord knows I can never get a good rest without Jenny.

I get up out of the chair and make my way over to the door, and just as I'm about to turn the knob I hear something that nearly has me in tears.




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