Chapter 7

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Jenny's Point of View

I was dreading today more than anything. I didn't want to tell Zeke but I knew I wouldn't be able to lie to him again. As I waited in the empty hallway the only noise that I could hear was my erratic heartbeat, and then the pounding of shoes. As I saw him turn the corner I looked straight at the ground.

"Hey." He said.

"Hey." I said meekly.

"I would ask if you are okay but that would be stupid since I can see the bruises through your makeup." I gasped and instantly searched my bag for my compact and looked at my face. I couldn't see a single mark. And it took me a minute to realize that he was joking with me.

"I was kidding but seeing that you actually checked, I'm furious that someone has made any marks on you at all. Which brings us to our next topic. Who hurt you so badly that even the daughter of an alpha has damage hours later?" He asked. My eyes instantly filled with tears.

"Hey. Shhhhhh. It will be okay I promise I won't let anyone hurt you anymore." he cooed in my ear as he pulled me into a hug.

"That's the problem no matter how much you say that I know it can't be true. For one you won't be able to stop them, and secondly I can't let you help because even though I am your mate, eventually you will get tired of me and drop me like a broken toy. And if you help me I will be forever in your debt and I don't want to have to owe someone when they don't even like or want me." I replied will crying and letting him go. Apparently he had different plans because the next thing I knew he was kissing all of my tears away. I let out a content sigh and when I realized what I had done I blushed deeply and took a couple steps back to put some distance between us.

"I don't want to ever hear you say that again. Am I clear?" He said and I nodded.

"Good. Now I want you to know that I will never get tired of you. I love you and nothing will ever change that. Stop doubting yourself, to me your perfect and your all I could ever ask for." At those words I was over joyed and I couldn't help myself, I ran straight into his arms and I felt him rest his chin on top of my head and I heard him sniffing me.

"Can you please tell me who hurt you?" he pleaded.

"I can't there isn't anything you can do. And if you tired you would be killed. I just found you I can't lose you too." I whimpered as I pushed my face more into his shoulder.

"Pllleeeeaaaassseeee?" I reluctantly pulled back just enough to look at his face and nodded slowly in defeat.

"I-it's my f-father." I whispered. If he wasn't a werewolf he wouldn't have even known I said anything but by the look on his face he knew exactly what I said.

"HE WHAT?!" He screamed. His eyes were turning black and his body started shaking. I knew he was moments from turning and I tried to calm him down.

"Zeke I'm fine! See! I'm right here, calm down!" I pleaded while walking closer.

"I'm gonna kill him." He mumbled while he fought for control over his wolf.

"Please don't." I said while putting my hands on his face. "For me?" I knew that what I had said worked because his face softened and his eyes started to become the piercing ocean blue I had come to know.

"I'ld do anything for you. You know that. But what your father has done is not right, especially for an alpha. I should take this to the council and have him ripped from his title. Thrown in a cage and beaten like he did to you." I started shaking again and u kissed his cheek so he would calm down again.

"I understand where you are coming from but I can't have him taken away. He's all I have left. you understand that right?" I asked.

"I understand that someone has hurt my mate and that you now have me too. In fact you only have me I don't want him anywhere near you."

"You can't just take me away, you are on his land. He could have you killed. We have to be smart about this, we need a plan." I stated.

"Fine. But this is all gonna end up with you living with me and him locked up. I won't have it any other way. except death is always an option for him." he smirked while pulling me into another hug.

"Thank you." I whispered.

"For what?" he asked.

"Being the first person to care for me." And with that said he leaned in and kissed me.



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