Chapter 8

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Earth: Battle in Central Park, New York City...

Silver Surfer
See Thor, now that it's a one on one battle between us now that all my herald buddies are here, you're struggling against me and all alone.

The Silver Surfer gets attacked by some kind of magic...

Random Person
But he's not alone.

The random person reveals his true identity to Thor and the surfer...


Yes it's me Thor. I couldn't let you get all the credit. Alson I'm sorry about Jane.

Loki, I know you are only trying to help me but, you are putting me in a angry and agitated mood that I shouldn't be in right now.

Fair enough brother. Let's continue with the battle.

Then a portal opens in Central Park and Iron Man, Spider-Man, Hulk, Dr. Strange, Vision, and War Machine all come through it and they all join the battle...

Yes! You guys are here now.

Hulk Smash!

Then, Hulk goes around to each herald one at a time and he throws them around like rag dolls just like Hulk did to Loki during the battle of New York...

Now they know how it feels!

They sure do brother, they sure do.

Then from three different directions Allies arrive. From one direction Cap, Widow, Falcon, Bucky, and Panther arrive in a Quinjet, the Guardians, Captain Marvel, and Nebula come from another direction in the Milano, and finally, the Fantastic Four all come into battle the final direction. Then every ally begins to fight in battle...

Hulk Smash!

The Thing
It's Clobberin Time!

Human Torch

Iron Man
So Thor, were you able to convince Surfer that Earth is similar to his homeworld yet?

Nope, I haven't gotten that far yet.

I Am Groot.

Woe now, you have quite a potty mouth small tree.

Wait, you can understand Groot?

Well of course I can Rabbit. I was close friends with one back on my home of Asgard.

That's so cool.

I know.

Iron Man
Enough socializing and how about some more negotiating.

Right. Surfer, you and your buddies are outnumbered. So why don't you call off Galactus' invasion of Earth.

Silver Surfer
Sorry, no can do.

But can't you see that Earth is just like your homeworld that you had Galactus spear in order for you to join him? Humans are not all that different from your race of people.

Captain Marvel
He's right Surfer.

The Other 4 Heralds
Don't listen to them Surfer! They are trying to trick you!

Silver Surfer
O My God! The Avengers are right.

The Silver Surfer immediately attacks the other 4 herolds with cosmic blasts...

The Other 4 Heralds

Silver Surfer
I'm sorry guys but Earth is too much like my homeworld.

Surfer attacks all 4 herolds again and the 4 of them escape into Earth's atmosphere to recover...

Captain America
So Surfer, does this mean you'll find a new planet for Galactus to feed on.

Silver Surfer
I wish it were that easy but the damage is already done. Galactus is coming here whether we like it or not. The best I can do is help you all stop him once he gets here.

Captain America
Fair enough but Surfer, you are an Avenger now. How long until Galactus invades?

Silver Surfer
In about 10 minutes.

Captain America
Then 10 minutes we wait.

The Avengers, Guardians, Fantastic Four, and all the other heroes wait 10 minutes for Galactus's arrival...

10 minutes later, Galactus arrives and the rest of the heralds follow...

Hello Heroes of Earth. I ate a good 5 planets on the way here and I'm not even full. So, time to eat Earth. Also, Surfer! I here that you betrayed me and now your going to have to pay for that. Prepare to die Heroes of Earth!

To Be Continued...

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