Forever My Protector

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The Next Day

Pamela was woken up by her phone buzzing, she groaned as she sat up in bed before reaching for her phone. It was Fergal his message read


Be ready by 8pm tonight I have a client coming to my room for 9pm, I will meet you at your room. Also the client has said to just wear lingerie

See you later x

Pamela spent most of her day shopping with Mercedes, before finishing their shopping they ended up going into Victoria Secret.

Mercedes- Hey you don't mind if I get something for sarath for our anniversary do you?

Pamela- Not at all knock yourself out

While Mercedes was occupied with looking for herself, Pamela decided to pick up some sexy red and blue lacy lingerie for her client tonight. She rejoined Mercedes at the checkout.

Mercedes- Oh hey there you are, watcha think she said holding up a pink thong and criss cross bra

Pamela- So you, Sarath will love it

Mercedes- You know it, what did you get?

Pamela- Oh nothing she said trying to hiding the lingerie but Mercedes grabbed it from behind her back

Mercedes- OMG this are beautiful Pam so you, have you got something to tell me?

Pamela- Like What?

Mercedes- Well why the sexy lingerie, are you seeing someone?

Pamela- No I'm not but you never know when a girl gonna get lucky she said winking at Mercedes

Mercedes- good to see your prepared for when Mr Right comes along.

Later on that evening after Pamela had finished shopping she went and workout before coming home to get ready for her client. Pamela had just finished her makeup and sprayed some body mist on her before hearing a knock at the door.

Pamela- Coming

She opened the door to see Fergal stood on the other side of the door

Fergal- Hey ready to go

Pamela- Oh I just need to get dressed come in she said before closing the door behind him. I'll be five minutes uh make yourself at home

Fergal- Thanks

Fergal sat down on the sofa waiting for Pam, he noticed a photo of her and her boyfriend Aaron as he picked it up Pam came out of the bathroom he quickly stood up and hid it behind him. He looked up to see Pam in this blue lacy and very sexy looking two piece.

Pam- How do I look?

Fergal- Um you look stunning

Pam- Thanks, I have a question to ask you about tonight

Fergal- Shoot

Pam- Why am I meeting this client at your hotel room and not his?

Fergal- Because you never know what this guy are like so I think it better they come to us, Plus I learnt that lesson the hard way

Pam- What Happened?

Fergal- It doesn't matter now

Pam- Fergal I want to know please tell me

Fergal- Ok fine there was an incident with one of the girls that worked for me a few years back when I was in NXT.

Pam- What happened?

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