I know I wasn't there for you that night but I here for you now.

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Pamela and Mercedes were both rushed to hospital after suffering at the hands of Thomas, Mercedes had to have emergency surgery performed on her as she had internal bleeding in her abdomen and a bleed on her brain due to blunt force trauma and Pamela was put in an induced coma due to her severe injuries. Fergal hasn't left her side since the attack he has stayed at her bedside day and night making sure he the first face she sees when she wakes up. Pamela woke up to bright lights being shown in her eyes from the hospital ceiling lights, hearing beeping noises coming from the machines she was connected too. She looked down to see Fergal asleep with his head rested on her bed and her hand entwined with his, She could tell he hadn't left her side by his appearance. She starts lightly shaking Fergal until he started to stir from his slumber.

Pamela- Fergal

Fergal- Pam, Oh my god Pamela he said standing up before he caressed her face and kissed her

Pamela- I'm Sorry she said in between kisses

Fergal then broke the passion filled kisses between the two of them

Fergal- Sorry, you've got nothing to be sorry for this wasn't your fault

Pamela- It was, I didn't leave because I wanted to protect Mercy but instead I just put us both in more danger. Oh my god is Mercedes ok?

Fergal- She awake and recovering in ICU. Pam this wasn't your fault you were just being a good person and trying to protect Mercedes from more harm.

Pamela- Yeah except I didn't.

Fergal- Do you remember what happen that night, it just Sarath has tried to find out what happened from Mercedes but she can't remember anything.

Pamela- I do remember mostly what happened but...

Fergal- But what?

Pamela- I'm scared to tell you

Fergal- you don't need to be I just want to know please Pam tell me.

Pamela- Ok, when if leave you and Allen I went to find Leah she wanted to know where I disappeared too so I told her that me and you had a quickie upstairs, she told me that was gross. I asked her where Mercedes went and she told me she left with Thomas.

Fergal- Wait Thomas aka Baron Corbin aka her mixed match challenge partner

Pamela- Yes so I went outside and bumped into Brie and Nikki I asked them and they told me where she went round the back of the house. So I went to the back of the house and saw... she stopped speaking

Fergal- What did you see?

Pamela- I saw Thomas, he was stamping and kicking Mercedes

Fergal- Fuck

Pamela- I knew I couldn't just stand there and watch him kill her.

Fergal- So what happened when you intervened?

Pamela- He got angry and told me to leave before I regret it, he then threw my phone as I was trying to call 911 I went to pick it up and he...

Fergal- He what?

Pamela- I can't say

Fergal- (he grabbed her hand) Please tell me it killing me not knowing what he did to you, Your my girlfriend I love you and I know I wasn't there for you that night but I here for you now.

Pamela- He pushed me up against the wall before He punched me in the face. He then grabbed me and threw me to the floor, He said that he gave me the option to leave But I choose not too. And that I was going to end up like Mercedes.

Fergal- Then what happened?

Pamela- He kicked me a few times before wrapping his arm round my neck and putting me in to a chokehold, I started to struggle trying to get out of his grasp but he was one step ahead he quickly shifted himself on top of me, I was completely overpowered by him. I begged him to stop but he didn't, he knew about our side business and me sleeping with the locker room. He told me that if I like spreading my leg so much for the guys in the locker room that I would mind spreading them for him. He then pulled my skirt and panties off I tried to head butt him and escape but it only made him angrier, he forced me down on to the ground and he- he (Pamela started to cry)

Fergal- Shh he said pulling her in to a hug, he can't hurt you anymore I'm so sorry

After Fergal had sat comforting Pamela, He went to speak to Sarath who was with Mercedes.

Fergal- Hey guys thought I would just let you know that Pam is awake

Sarath- That's great

Mercedes- Same, is she ok?

Fergal- Yeah she gonna come visit you soon

Mercedes- Cool well tell her to get well won't you

Fergal- I will, Mercy do you mind if I borrow Sarath quickly

Mercedes- Nope

The pair stepped outside Mercedes room

Sarath- So what did you wanna talk about

Fergal- Has Mercedes said anything to you about that night

Sarath- No she has why has Pam?

Fergal- Yeah she has

Sarath- So what happened, Who attacked them

Fergal- Pam found Thomas beating Mercy up and when she tried to call for help he attacked and raped her

Sarath- Jesus Christ, do you think I should talk to Mercy about what Pam told you

Fergal- You can she may remember something, but I know one thing

Sarath- What's that?

Fergal- That motherfuckers going to pay for what he did to both of them, Mark My Words.

Oh Shit Thomas better watch out because Fergal is coming to beat his ass up, What Will Happen in the last Two Chapters. Until Next Time xxx

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