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Ella's POV

Today is the day we are moving to Virginia. And I am not excited at all.

"Ella are you almost ready!" My mother shouts loud up the stairs yet her voice remains sweet. Don't get me wrong, I love my mom. she just works way too much. but she is the sweetest thing. And I love her.

I finish packing the last box and bring it down the stairs. "Ella's ready mommy!" My 8 year old sister Arielle yells, ''finally" my other 14 year old sister chirps. "Took ya long enough! Haha" she says while lightly chuckling. "Oh hush hush hood rat!" (Her real name is Quinn but both of there nick names are hood rat)

After we put all the boxes in the big truck and my family says goodbye to our house and Canada we hop in the car and off we go to Virginia!

~we arrive at Virginia~

I take a huge sniff of air and I smell ocean water. "Maybe I can get used to this!" I say quietly. "Oh! I'm so happy you finally like it here! I was worried that you still hated moving" my mom said while hugging my shoulder. "I still don't like the whole "new school" thing but I can grow to get used to this" I quietly say back smiling while looking at our house.

Our house is a cute beach house about three blocks away from the beach. Our house is a light teal and it has white window shutters and a white door. The porch is a cute wooden porch with a rocking chair at the front.

"I LOVE THIS HOUSE!" Quinn yells while running out laughing.

She comes near me and whispers "and the boy next door is totes cute and is looking at you!" She says excitedly.

I look to my side to see a boy with dirty blonde spiked up hair with shaved sides,he gave me a slight smirk. I noticed his arms and he had full sleeves of tattoos, stretched ears and he was wearing a bmth shirt with black pants with a gold belt buckle.

He stepped off of his porch and waked over to me. When he finally arrived me noticed my ptv tee. "Nice band tee" he said smiling. "Thanks I'm a big fan of bmth too" I let out a slight smile.

"So, you new here?" He asks eyeing the moving truck.

"Too obvious?" I laugh a little nervous.

"So,Where you from blue?'' He said referring to my hair. I blush slightly.

"Ontario" I say

"Toronto" he says smiling ( I know Matt's not actually from there btw lol)

"Where basically related" he says trying to lighten the mood.

"Thought you looked familiar" you say chuckling while making small talk with the cute boy.

"I'm Matt by the way" he says while sticking out his hand.

"Ella" I say while shaking his hand.

"Your cute you know" he says. I look down and blush.

"Thanks, I like your style" I say.

"Yours too" he says and smirks.

"What school so you go to?" Matt asks curiously.

*school name*

"Same here" Matt says and smiles

"Maybe I can introduce you to my friends" he says.

"I would love that" I say.

"Great it's done you fit the look and everything" he says while looking at you.

"What do you mean, 'fit the look' "I say confusion In my face.

"You will see when you meet the boys." He says.

"Ella come help unpack!" Quinn yells

"Be right there hood rat!" I yell back.

"Hood rat?" Matt asks laughing slightly

"Just a little nick name" you say blushing.

"Well Ill catch you at school tomorow.?" Matt asks in a way making it sound more like a question than a statement.

"Sadly I have no choice, but at least I have you to introduce me to people" you say smiling

"Great!" "Ill see you tomorrow el!" Matt says waking away, before he enters the house he winks and smiles then he opened the door and enters.

"Wow first day here and already a nick name for me" I mumble while smiling to myself.

"Are you coming or what?!" Quinn yells.

"Is there a choice?" I yell.

"Nope! Now hurry I'm gettin tired" she yells.

"Okay coming!" I yell while going into the house.

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