First day of school

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Ella's POV

after unpacking and all that shtuff :) I put away all my clothes and set my room up (mostly putting up my band posters and stuff.) then I plugged my phone in did my night routine and went to bed.... "Maybe I can get used to this place" I thought right before I peacefully fell asleep to the smell of sea water.

~the next day~

I woke up and did my morning routine.

Did my hair (straightened it)

Brushed my teeth

Put on anti perspiration

Ate and put on my clothes.. Which where

A sws shirt
Black leggings
Ptv purple and green bracelet
And some perfume. I also grab my phone.

When I grab my bag and step outside Matt is also getting out of his house.

"HEY EL!" Matt hollers and runs over to me.

"Ready for your first day??" He says and smiled with a hint of sarcasm in his voice.

"Oh but of course'' I say acting overly excited on purpose.

Matt chuckles lightly and flicks his head near the direction of the school.

"Shall we" he says smirking slightly.

"I would be happy to" I say and giggle.

While we walk to school a car passes and honks. "Hey Matt!" A boy with sleeves of tattoos yells out the passenger window.

I turn my attention to the corvette where a boy wearing a black bandana and has spacers with a fir band shirt sits in the drivers seat. And another boys with brown hair and brown eyes that has a bvb shirt and has tattoos all up his arms with a lip piercing sits in the passenger seat.

"Woah and who is the cutie" the one with the banana says and winks.

I blush and fix my hair by pulling it behind my ears.

"The names taylor" the one with the bandana states.

"Cameron, but feel free to call me cam" the one in the passenger seat says and smirks.

"Hey Matt, she in the group?" Taylor questions.

Matt turns his attention to cam

"Fine by me" cameron says and smiles slightly.

"Welcome to the group" taylor says.

"Thanks, so ill catch you at school?"
I say.

"Yeah, you gotta meet the other boys" cameron says.

"Great we will meet you there" Matt says like he decided to join the conversation again.

"See you there" Cameron and Taylor agree.

Then taylor speeds off.

When we get to school Matt says that he will show me around. But first I had to get my lock, schedule and locker number. After we get those I compare my schedule with Matt and we have all the same classes. Matt also states that I also have some classes with Taylor and cam.

When I put my stuff in my locker and take out the stuff that I needed for first period. I closed my locker and Matt closed his (his locker is across from yours).

Then Matt guides me to a rather large group of boys covered in piercings, tattoos,spacers and band merch.

Some were smirking others where looking confused as you made your way over to the group.

"Boys this is Ella" Matt says introducing you.

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