dose he like me??

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Ella's POV

my math teacher is really awkward. everyone in class is constantly staring at me, i mean i don't blame them, i have blue hair but still...its so weird.

after what seemed like forever the bell rang and i rushed out of class as fast as i could. when we got to our lockers i pulled out what i needed for second period; science. once i got everything i needed i went up to Cameron.

"thanks for helping me in class" i said and gave him a quick smile.

"don't mention it, we look our for the people in our group" he said and winked.

i blushed and looked down.

Cameron then put two fingers under my chin and lifted it up.

"why do you always look down when you blush?" he asks.

"i don't know" i said blushing again

"don't look down anymore, your cute when you blush"

"okay" i said and smiled warmly.

then all of a sudden Chelsea comes up behind me and pushed me into Cameron, our faces centimetres apart, lips almost touching.

then the bell rang....THANK GOD


''um..we should probably get going..." i start trying not to be awkward.

Cameron looks at my lips then me

"y-yeah sure" he says.

i smile warmly and go to my next class

before i enter i think "i hope he dose not like me..."

A/N hey! please vote and comment for more! ily all and i will update later tonight! :D ALSO PLEASE PUT IN THE COMMENTS IF YOU LIKE IT SO FAR AND WHAT YOU WANT TO SEE FURTHER ON IN THE BOOK! Xx -anonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn

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