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Markus : "ok!" *calls a random person, for example maybe Kamski

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Markus : "ok!" *calls a random person, for example maybe Kamski.*
"Hello, is Mr. Wall there, please? "

Kamski : "There is no Mr. Wall here, sorry"

Markus : "Can I speak with Mrs. Wall then, please? "

Kamski : "Mrs. Wall does not live here. "

Markus : "Well, can I speak with Harry Wall, please? "

Kamski : "There is no one here by that name, either. Sorry. "

Markus : "Are there any Walls there? "

Kamski : "No, there are no walls here. Sorry. "

Markus : "Then may I ask what's holding up your house? "

Sofia : "i'm trying not to laugh,i'm trying not to laugh,i'm trying not to laugh,i'm trying not to laugh,i'm trying not to laugh,i'm trying not to laugh,i'm trying not to laugh,i'm trying not to laugh,i'm trying not to laugh,i'm trying not to laugh! ffhhh!"

Kamski : "oh, you son of a bitch."

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