Chapter 9

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With the two golden knives in hand, Aneira and I made our way back to the door. All was calm as walked toward the door. My mind eager to finally reach our exit. Opening the reception area door, Aneira and I quickly walked up the stairs. Then, without delay, we entered back into the room.

"Here we are. Lydia, your knife?" Aneira asked, her hand outstretched. I nod and hand the knife to her. I watched as Aneira placed the knife inside the door. As she did, excitement began to build inside of me.

Aneira said this door leads to a mansion. And on top of the mansion is a helipad. If we can get to that helipad, we can get out of here! We're one step away from leaving this zombie infested island. What a relief!

Aneira puts her knife inside the door. When she does, a strange clicking sound comes from the door. What was that? Cautiously, I approach. My footsteps slow and steady as I walk towards the door. My hand reaches for the golden doorknob. My heart beating out of my chest as my hands turns it. Then, without hesitation, I open the door. My body bursts inside, gun drawn. However, when my body enters the room, I notice something. There's nothing in here.

Wait a minute! There's nothing in here? But how? I heard a clicking noise. A hand suddenly grasps my shoulder. Quickly, I turn around and notice Aneira's hand on my shoulder. A soft smile emerges on her face.

"What?" I ask, my hand putting away my gun. Aneira chuckles as her hand falls from my shoulder.

"You're very cautious. Normally, I would appreciate that. But in this case, it's a little ridiculous." Ridiculous? How would investigating that clicking noise be ridiculous? What does she mean? I ask her.

"Lydia, that clicking noise was the door. It unlocked itself after we put in the knives." Ohhhh! So that was what it was! Heat begins to flood my face as embarrassment begins to sink in. Well, this is embarrassing. I must look like a total fool! Man, why didn't I think of that sooner! Oh well, maybe I should apologize. Yeah, clear the air. With a sheepish grin and nearly unbearable embarrassment, I sound out an apology. When I finish, Aneira's small chuckle turns into full blown laughter.

"Lydia! It's okay! You don't need to apologize! Man! Dang it! I can't breathe!" Aneira said, her voice drowned out by laughter. My sheepish grin begins to change. A small laugh escapes from my mouth. I can't help it. Best friend's laughter is contagious. Especially since she doesn't really laugh that often.

Aneira and I laugh until we both couldn't breathe. During that time, a newfound appreciation for my friend surfaces. Thank goodness I have a friend like Aneira. She's serious and has a bit of a temper, but she's great. I'm glad to have her here. Having her here really makes the situation easier to deal with. I kind of wish though we were laughing somewhere else instead of a zombie outbreak. But hey, you can't get everything you ask for right? Still, I'm glad she's here. If it wasn't for her, I don't even know if I would still be alive right now. I've got to repay her back someday. Maybe get her a gift of some kind or maybe something homemade. Something awesome. Something that really shows I appreciate her. Hmmm, I'll think about it later. Right now, we've got to go.

After our bout of laughter, Aneira and I finally made our way towards the mansion. With each step we take, a strange feeling began to bubble up inside me. A familiar feeling creeped up from the depths of my being. Its slow crawl slowly strangling out any other emotions. I know this feeling, I've felt it some time ago. Dread. Its cold unfeeling hands grip my heart in terror. Something's coming. Something big...

Aneira and I, after several minutes of walking, finally approach the mansion door. Our eyes dead set on opening it. We took a step towards the door. However, before we could take more, a loud piercing sound sent shock waves through our bodies. Aneira and I immediately froze in place. Several gunshots rang through the air like bells. A growl unlike any I've ever heard also sounds. Fear begins to flood my body like a tidal wave. What the... before I could even ask, the mansion doors burst open. A body flies away from them. With a heavy thud, it crashes against a tree. Is he...? My eyes went to the body. There was no movement. They're dead. Oh no... Another growl emanates from the mansion doors. This one deeper then the last. This isn't good! What should we do? My eyes race towards Aneira. She must a plan or something right? Right?!

"Aneira?" I say, my voice almost breathless. Without a word, Aneira draws her gun. She must want to fight it. But, should I fight it too? I mean, this monster is bound to be powerful. Will our bullets even work? I don't know. However, if Aneira wants to fight it, then I have to support her. She's my friend, and friends always support one another. Quickly, I take out my gun and point it at the doors. Alright, we're ready for you! Come on out you ugly sack of virus!

Another growl emanates from the door. Is that all this thing is going to do? Come on! If it's going to growl and do nothing, then what are we standing here for? Maybe we should bait it. Monsters after all love a good bait.

"Hey ugly! You want to come out or are you just going to stand there all day?! We've got places to go! Things to do!" Another growl comes from the door. Immediately, Aneira's red eyes go to me.

"Lydia! What are you doing?! Don't bait that thing!" She says, her voice a whisper. My mouth goes to open. However, before it could, the monster finally comes out. When I said this thing was ugly, I wasn't lying. It was tall, purple, with flesh sagging off its skin. Its eyes purple and droopy with no teeth at all. On one side of its body is a huge arm coated thick in a purple liquid. The other side, nothing.

Immediately, Aneira starts firing at the beast. The monster begins to approach us. In an effort to slow its approach, we continued to fire. However, just like I predicted, the bullets had no effect. He won't be able to be killed in a conventional way. He can't be stopped with our weapons. We can't fight him like this. We need to flee!

"Aneira! We need to flee, we can't fight him!" I say, my voice barely carrying over the gunfire. Aneira shakes her head.

"We need to let him approach, I've got a plan just hang on!" Okay! The monster continues to approach. His distance becoming closer and closer. Suddenly, Aneira's gunfire stops.

"Dang it! My gun jammed!" Aneira said, her hands vainly trying to fix her gun. The monster's pace stops. His arm goes up into the air. He's going to hit Aneira! My body springs into action. Immediately, I jump in front of Aneira. The monster's hand scratches my back as he flings me aside. Searing pain stings my body as I attempt to get up. I have to help... However, my body falls to the ground again.

"Lydia!" Aneira said. I tried to say something, but the pain was too much. Instead of saying anything, I watched as Aneira punched the tall monster. Its body sent flying by the impact. Aneira's... really strong. I guess... I shouldn't make her angry. Aneira rushes towards me. Her eyes filled with concern.

"Lydia! Why? Why did you...?" I cut her off.

"You're my best friend... I had to... help you. Aneira I... Appreciate you being here. I thought about... giving you a gift. But I guess... it won't be... necessary." Aneira sighs.

"Aneira, please take this. These grenades will... help you against it." With trembling, feeble hands, I give Aneira the grenades. Standing up, Aneira gives me one last look. Slowly, I nod. Everything will be okay. Go get em' Aneira! Then, with a blur, Aneira begins to plant the grenades on the monsters. All the while dodging its strikes. She's awesome. Go Aneira go! Aneira plants one last grenade on the monster before picking me up. She runs into the mansion just as the monster explodes. We enter into the mansion, unaware of what lies ahead of us.

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