Chapter 11: My Beloved

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Terrance's POV:

My beloved Lydia... please be okay! I raced back towards Lydia's room. My mind racing with the necessary steps needed to create the antidote. Quickly, I turned the corner and entered through the door. When I did, Lydia's body laid still on the floor. Oh no! Am I too late?! My body raced towards Lydia. Without a second thought, I put my fingers to her neck. A slow, almost faint pulse reached my fingertips. Good, she's still alive. But she's unconscious. If I don't hurry, she'll die soon! I have to create the antidote now!

Getting up, I gather all the necessary equipment and begin the process. Ok Terrance. I have to be very careful. Quick but careful. This antidote is extremely dangerous and delicate. If I mix the ingredients improperly or something goes wrong then it's all over. Not only that, but if I give Lydia the wrong serum, she'll die and not just of the poison. The ingredients, if mixed improperly, are deadlier then the poison itself. Under normal circumstances, I would hesitate to even concoct such a dangerous serum. But since this is Lydia who's in danger, I can't hesitate. I won't let her die. Not now, not ever.

Carefully, my fingers grasp the ingredients and get to work. I start the process slowly. My mind careful not to mess it up. Then, after completing the first step, I meticulously check if I had done it correctly. Seeing that I had, I proceed to step two.

Anxiety and pressure slowly begins to build up in my heart. Their pressure combined washing away my calmness. My hands, in response, began to tremble with fear. What if I don't get this right? What if Lydia dies? What if... no, I can't focus on this now. I must focus on the serum. I can worry when I complete it. But right now, I can't. I need to focus. Focus... Focus... With some effort, I manage to calm myself. The trembling in my hands begins to fade away. When they do, I continue to work.

It wasn't until five minutes later that the serum was complete. All right, the serum is done. Please let this work! Eagerly, my hand grabs a needle and puts the serum into it. I'll have to directly inject this into her wound. After all, her wound is the origin point of her poison. With this type of poison, it's best to inject the serum into the poison's origin point.

Taking the needle into my hand, I approach my beloved Lydia. Gently, my hand grasps her shoulder and turns her over. My eyes stare directly at her wound. This is it. I hope this works. My hand thrusts the needle into her wound, injecting the serum. With a slight pull, I take the needle out and put it back on the table. My eyes shift towards Lydia.

Worry begins to wash through me. What if Lydia doesn't wake up? What if I did the serum wrong? My beloved, please wake up! I don't want to lose you! Not you too! I can't lose another person I love to this wretched world. I already lost one person, I don't need to lose another. Please wake up! Please!

"My beloved, please wake up! Lydia please! Please wake up!" I say as my hand shakes her. Desperation begins to take control of my heart. In vain, I try to shake her awake. But after a few minutes of shaking, my desperation begins to lift. As it does, another feeling sinks in. A cold, numb, familiar feeling begins to sink into my heart.

At first, I was shocked. Did I fail her? Was I too late to stop it? Then, disbelief. No, of course I didn't fail Lydia. I felt her pulse, she's alive. Unconscious. She'll wake up, I know she will. Lydia's not dead. But yet, a slight feeling began to gnaw at me. At first, it was small. Insignificant. But that feeling slowly grew until it became unstoppable.

Lydia hasn't woken up or moved. It's been several minutes since I injected the serum. If she was alive, she would have moved by now. But she hasn't. Maybe Lydia is dead. Maybe she's not alive. Maybe all of this was a false hope. Yes, a false hope, a waste of time. Lydia died regardless of what I did. This was a waste of my time.

Slowly, I get up. My heart heavy with sadness and grief. I couldn't save her... I couldn't save her from this wretched world. My beloved...

"Lydia... please forgive me. I'm sorry for not being there for you any." Memories of the past begin to flood my mind. My beloved and I always hung out after school. But we stopped after I went to work for them. I stopped hanging out with her and being there for her. I was so busy trying to achieve my goals and plans that I never stopped to talk to one person I love the most in this world. Lydia...

"Please forgive me my beloved. I was never there for you. Not only that, I never did confess how I felt until the end of my life. Lydia, I loved you always. Everyday, I thought of you. I loved you with all my heart. No matter what you did, I loved you. You're beautiful... absolutely beautiful. And smart. Extremely smart. And just wonderful. I'm sorry for always leaving you behind. For never telling you anything. For never even having courage to say my feelings. I'm sorry. I hope you can forgive me in Heaven." Tears begin to rain down from my eyes like raindrops. I'm sorry Lydia... please forgive me. Quickly, I turn around and head out the door. My hand reaches for the doorknob. You were the only one for me. I love you, always Lydia. However, when my hand touches the doorknob, a groan suddenly sounds behind me. No, is it...? Immediately, I pull out my gun. Then, with a sharp turn, I point my gun at Lydia. When I do, her beautiful voice suddenly sounds.

"Owww! Man! Uhh!" My beloved... she's alive! Lydia's alive! Immediately, I put my gun away and approach Lydia. When I do, my arms coil around her shoulders. Their embrace squeezing her tightly.

"Lydia!" I say, my arms coiling tightly around her.

"T-Terrance? What are you..." I cut her off.

"Doing here? A very long story. A story I don't exactly want to bore you with. I must ask you Lydia to never do that again." Lydia looks at me. Her ocean blue eyes giving me a look of confusion.

"Do what again?" She asks.

"Never get severely injured my beloved. You don't know how much of a scare you caused me today. Next time, please be more careful my dearest Lydia." Lydia nods and proceeds to hug me. When she does, she speaks again.

"Well Terrance, I can't make any promises. I'll try my best. But I will do what I must protect my friends. That's how I got poisoned. I saved Aneira from being poisoned. I actually meant to tell you, Aneira's around here trying to find bandages. Did you see her anywhere?" She asked me. Immediately I shake my head. So... Blake's partner is running around here too huh? Why does that not surprise me? Hmm, Aneira being around here is going to make things complicated. She's my beloved Lydia's friend but yet my enemy. I can't directly take her out of the picture since it would hurt my beloved. But I can't let her get in our way. She'll be troublesome if she gets in our way. Because she's my beloved's friend, I'll have to play nice for the time being. After all, I don't want to upset Lydia. I'll play nice but when I get the chance I'll take her down. Though not here perhaps. Maybe some other time. Suddenly, a voice brings me out of my contemplation.

"Hey Terrance. We should find Aneira and team up with her. Maybe all three of us being together will help find a way out here. What do you say?" No, I don't want Aneira to get in our way.

"That sounds good." It's a bad idea, but I won't say anything to my beloved. After all, if I do, Lydia might get upset. Her anger is something no one wants to see. A smile comes up on Lydia's face.

"Let's do it!" Lydia says as she gets up. Fine, but only because of Lydia. My beloved attempts to stand up. However when she does, her body immediately starts to fall. Lydia! Without a second thought, my hands grab her. Then, begin to carry her.

"I guess I'm still a little dizzy" Lydia said.

"It will take a couple minutes for the effects of the poison to wear off. Until then, I'll carry you."

"Thanks Terrance." My beloved and I left the room. The both of us unaware of what lies before us.

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