Headmaster's Office

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'The actual hell, why are there so many of those damn girls cheering?' the guard to the right of Natsu, Gray, asked himself.

Erza, who clearly was ignoring the whole situation, was walking slightly ahead with her back straight and a serious aura enveloping her. The required school uniform of a long sleeved white button up and a grey short skirt along with black shoes only added on to her intimidating appearance. 

The Headmaster's office stood before them when they halted. Natsu, who was quite anxious to get away from the squealing girls, knocked on the door quickly. The door opened, but no one seemed to be there. The clearing of throat below the trio brought attention to a short dwarf looking elder man in a suit with a head of balding white hair and a mustache.

"Gray Fullbuster's the name old man," he greeted,

"Natsu Dragneel, don't know if you already knew that though," the chuckling young adult said,

"Erza Scarlet, pleasure to meet you Mr. Dreyar," the polite woman greeted,

"You don't have to address me with that name, just call me Gramps," the little old man said in a friendly manner,,

"Do you mind letting us in Gramps?,  there's, uh..." the well known teenager tried to direct the Headmaster's attention behind them,

"Oh, well come in so we can talk more privately," the short man said before opening the door wider to let the three in.

Once the "new brats," as Macorav liked to call them, walked in, Macorav shut the door behind them and locked it for extra precaution.  Inside was what any Headmaster's office should look like; a desk stacked with papers, a shelf filled with books, an office chair behind the desk, a window that showed a view of the school yard, the walls painted beautifully white, marble flooring, and seats in front of the desk.

"Welcome to Magnolia High, it's a pleasure to see you three here," the elder man said as he walked to his desk with his hands folded behind his back,

"I'm sure we'll have a great time here," again Erza said politely,

"I can guarantee you will if you make the right choices, but for now please take a seat," Gramps motioned toward the three chairs stationed in front of his desk, "We have important matters to discuss," he said.

The curious teens all took a seat for themselves as the Headmaster climbed up his office chair to stand on his desk.

"As you can see, you three are new to our family at Magnolia High..." the short elder paused to look at the three carefully, "The three of you will be in the same homeroom classroom along with some other children," he continued,

"I expect excellence from each of you," he stated sternly,

"We will do exactly that and more, right Natsu? Gray?" the demon then looked at the two dangerously,

"Yes, ma'am," the scared teens said in unison, 

Macorav smiled at the three in appreciation before returning back to his serious demeanor,

"Now lets begin with your schedules as junior high students," he said before ducking down to his desk to look for the file containing the information for the trio,

"Ah, found it," Macorav quietly said in victory,

"Here are your schedules, the location of your destination is on this map to help you navigate," the Headmaster chuckled,  "Our school is so large that we actually had to provide maps," he commented. 

Erza gently took the map and her scheduel from Macorav and held on to her information, deeming that the map would be safer with her than with the two idiots. Natsu took his scheduel and Gray did the same.

"I give you three the best of luck, new students almost always get lost on their first day of school here," the old geezer said,

"Thank you for your time and assistance Headmaster," Erza said to bid him goodbye,

"See ya later Gramps!" Natsu yelled before following after Erza,

"Thanks old man," surprisingly Gray thanked him before leaving with the door shut behind him,

"I feel that a lot is going to go down soon," the Headmaster said to the silent room before falling off his desk, trying to sit in his chair,

"That hurt," the clumsy old man said as he stood to attempt climbing up into his chair again. Macorav relaxed in his seat before thinking to himself, 'I wonder what's going to happen this year,'

                                                                          "I'll just have to wait and see."

What am I suppose to see? (Nalu fanfic on behalf of boredom 👍)Where stories live. Discover now