It's Lunch Time!

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"Finally, morning classes are finished, hallelujah!" screamed Gray,

"Shut up, you sound like a dying yeti," his rival commented,

"You wanna go you spoiled prick?!" he shouted back,

"Children!," the demon yelled, "Stop your yapping, we have to go to lunch," she finished.

The three continued their way down the hall with a mob of other students. The mob led them all the way to the cafeteria. The cafeteria, however, was the size of a ball room. Tables were set everywhere and seats were filled as students sat to eat, and the diversity of the food was unbelievable. The large windows made it seem you were eating outside, the walls were glistening tan and the floors were a shiny black marble.

Each line consisted of a different type of foods. Natsu chose Mexican for his spicy fetish, Erza went to the dessert section of Europe and Gray went to Italy for Italian ice.

When the trio each had returned with something of their choice, they left the cafeteria deciding that it would be the best choice to eat outside if they wanted to eat peacefully away from fan girls and noise.

They walked behind the school in an open corridor that reavealed the school's open fields of trees, green grass, and a lake. 

"Erza can we sit by that cherry blossom tree by the lake? It's very pretty," the astonished Natsu asked,

"You're right, that tree is perfect," she said, "Let's sit there," she commanded as she walked toward the glorified cherry blossom tree.

They walked over to the tree and sat under the beautiful blossoms.

"This is our lunch spot for the rest of the year, hands down," they all agreed with Natsu.

While Natsu was eating his spicy chicken taco at inhuman speeds, something caught his eye in the tree.

'It's that weird girl again, what's she doing sitting up there?' he thought when he stopped eating his taco.

Natsu decided that he'd try to talk to the strange girl up in the branches, so he put down his food which confused Gray and Erza. Natsu then stood from his seat and looked up at the girl eating a bento quietly, trying to be unnoticed by the trio bellow her. Erza and Gray looked up too and they were surprised to see the girl there, but they kept quiet.

"Hey, girl with the hood," he tried to get her attention.

She flinched but she did not say anything, she was always ignored by other people but why would someone try to acknowledge her now?

"Hello?" he tried again, "Well I'm coming up there if you're not going to say anything," he said as he climbed up the tree.

Once he sat on the branch the girl was on, she looked his way, but she still kept quiet.

"I'm not going to hurt you or anything, I just want to learn who you are," he reassured, "You don't look like you have many friends, so I thought I'd be your friend," he smiled,

The girl flinched again for the second time, "I've never had any real friends before," she whispered, but Natsu's ears caught what she said, 

"Then let me be you're first friend," he smiled wider at the girl, he held out his hand toward the girl,

"My name is Natsu Dragneel, I can tell we're gonna be best buddies," he grinned at her,

She looked at his hand then looked at his face under her black hood, she slowly lifted her hand and hesitantly shook his, "Lucy," she greeted him using a whisper, 

"Lucy? Cool name," he shook her hand and looked at her covered face, 

"You wanna meet Erza and Gray? They're friends of mine, I'm sure they would be happy to meet you," he said excitedly,

"I don't know," she quietly whispered, 

"Come on Lucy they're not that bad-well, Erza is scary and Gray is a bastard, but that's not the point!" he tried persuading her,

"I'll give it a shot then," she said in an even quieter voice,

"Yes! Let's go Luce!" he yelled happily,

Natsu began climbing down the tree to Gray and Erza with a grand smile. Lucy, at the top of the tree, closed her bento and glanced up toward the sky with a small smile before descending toward the ground where Natsu waited with Erza and Gray.

"Luce?" she asked as she touched the ground with her two feet,

"It's your nickname, don't you like it?" he questioned,

"I do," she whispered with her bento in hand, 

"Anyway, my name is Gray, Gray Fullbuster," the teen behind Natsu greeted while licking up Italian ice,

"Erza Scarlet, I hope you can find comfort around us," the scary woman Natsu mentioned greeted as she ate strawberry cheesecake,

"Lucy," she revealed her name to Natsu's other friends,

"Don't you have a last lame Lucy?" Gray questioned,

"I do, but it's not a name I'm proud of and I don't feel like talking about it right now," she replied,

"Oh, my bad I didn't think you felt that way about it," he apologized,

Lucy nodded at Gray who felt a bit of guilt. 

The four of the friends sat beside the tree, but Natsu felt the need to dig deeper into Lucy's story of her last name and why she wears that baggy hood.

"Say, Luce?" she looked at Natsu,

"I know you don't want to talk about your last name, but why do you hide your face?" he questioned.

She looked troubled when Natsu asked her that question, but she relaxed when he placed a comforting hand on her shoulder,

"Is there something on your face you don't want people to see?" he asked quietly,

"No, it's not something I'm afraid of showing other people," she said, but the trio waited for further explanation,

"It's something I'm afraid of showing myself," she left the trio even more confused.

The bell rang, signaling lunch was over. Lucy glanced at her new friends before walking away from the small group. Suddenly the wind picked up, and the hood Lucy wore released golden tresses. 

Lucy stopped walking and turned to the side, but still reluctant to show her full face, she waved at the trio before pulling her hood back over her face to hide herself once again.

"Wow, did you see that Natsu?" the rarely surprised Erza said,

"Too bad she didn't face us completely, I was actually kinda curious of what her face looked like," Gray said.

Natsu sat quietly, staring at Lucy's disappearing hooded figure.

"Well, let's get to class children, we don't want to be late," Erza said as she stood with an empty plate of cheesecake,

Gray followed behind Erza, but Natsu continued to stare at Lucy until she disappeared behind a door. The confused teen huffed and stood with his half eaten food, he finished it on the way to the trash can before running after his friends.

                                                                               "Luce, who are you really?"

What am I suppose to see? (Nalu fanfic on behalf of boredom 👍)Where stories live. Discover now