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Erza, who waited for the two "children" to catch up, stepped to the side and used some time to admire the beautiful paintings and how the windows lit up the corridors.

"Erza, could you slow down a bit?" she looked to her left to spot Natsu slowly walking toward her with Gray trudging behind him,

"Or you could pick up the pace," she said when he stopped beside her.

Natsu silently groaned to avoid making the woman angry. 

Erza pulled out her scheduel to learn which classroom was homeroom, the piece of paper she held in her hand told her that first period was homeroom in Room 2-7. Fortunately, that room was just one hall and a right turn away from the trio, according to the map.

"Let's get moving, our destination is not that far," she said to the small group.

The three began walking again while trying to ignore passerbys and giggling girls on the way. 

Once they reached the end of the hallway, they turned right to see Room 2-7 just a few feet away from them. Erza continued to walk ahead, and she stopped beside the door to peak inside. The teacher was there in his chair with his feet on the desk and laid back while wearing a brown suit.

'Probably waiting for the final bell to ring,' she concluded.

Gray placed his hand on the door knob when Erza backed away from the door and he twisted the knob to open the brown colored door. The first one to enter, suprisingly, was Natsu. The teacher noticed their entrance and slipped his feet off his desk to greet his new students.

"Nice to meet ya newbies, I've heard from the old man that you come from a well known family," he specifically looked at Natsu,

"Uh, yeah sure, if that's how you want to put it," Natsu said,

"Ah, almost forgot to introduce myself, my names Gildarts, Gildarts Clive," the man before the three said as he folded his arms around his chest,

"My name is Erza Scarlet, nice to meet you Mr. Clive," polite Erza greeted, 

"You don't have to call me Mr. Clive, it makes me feel old," the man said while raking through his brown hair with his hand,

"Gray Fullbuster," the bored student beside Natsu greeted as well,

"Natsu Dragneel," the popular teen greeted as he smiled brightly, already liking his new teacher,

"Now that we know each other's name, you three can take a seat and wait for class to begin, but don't get too comfortable, you'll have to introduce yourselves to the class once everyone is here, capeesh?" he made it clear to them.

Erza nodded, Natsu and Gray walked behind her as they chose seats toward the right side of the classroom in the middle. The very back of the classroom was shaded due to light not reaching the far corners of the room-convenient right?, anyone who wanted to be unnoticed could just sit in the back.

The warning bell rang. As if on que, students began filing in the classroom in a quick manor, each student claiming a seat. 

'None of the girls noticed me, yes!' Natsu thought, but he thought too soon because one girl, that obviously was smothered in makeup,  saw Natsu and immediately everything went downhill for him,

"Oh my God! It's Natsu Dragneel!" she started squealing, and so did many other girls in the classroom.

'I fucking jinxed myself didn't I,' he grumbled in his head.

"Stop squealing you thirsty women, shut up and sit down," Natsu's new favorite teacher, Gildarts, commanded the girls.

'I owe him, I outa give him a bro fist when I leave,' the smirking teen thought.

Immediately the girls shut up and each took a seat at a desk, but the one who started the commotion glared at the teacher under her black bangs. 

The final bell rang, but one student was late. They opened the door quietly, no one even looked their way. 

'Must be a girl, she's wearing a skirt, but the baggie black hoodie she's wearing too covers her face-it's almost as if she's a shadow,' was the observation Natsu made.

The girl closed the door just as quietly as she entered, and she also managed to get to her desk without anyone even giving her acknowledgement that she was there. Natsu's eyes trailed her until she sat in the dark corner of the classroom. 

'Who is she?' he finally found an interest in someone.

No one still said anything her, not even a good morning. Natsu almost thought that he was seeing things, but she's there alright.

"Everyone quiet now?" the man stood from his desk as he questioned his students,

"Thought so, but now let's get to the point-" he motioned the three new kids, who were already pushing their chairs in, to come up front, 

"We've got some new faces in our class, introduce yourselves," he instructed the trio,

"Erza Scarlet," the men in the room immediately felt fearful of her,

"Gray Fullbuster," some of the girls giggled and squealed quietly,

"Natsu Dragneel," he said with a sly grin that caused all but one girl to lose it,

"Shut up pesky women! We're gonna have homeroom first before sex hormones," the irritated Gildarts said,

"You three may return to your seats," the same man said as he turned his gaze toward the standing students.

Erza, Natsu, and Gray walked back to their seats while quite obviously trying to avoid the hands of girls pushed toward them.

Gildarts left the class to socialize and do other things which he was not aware of while being indulged in a very inopropriate magazine he hid behind a book.

The bell rang, signaling Gildarts that the 15 minutes of homeroom are finished.

"Have a great first class of the day kids, don't get too hormonous in the hallways," was all that was heard before Gildarts left the classroom to teach his math classes with his satchel slung around his back and his free hand tucked in his pocket.

The three waited for everyone to leave so they could determine what and where was their next class.

"English is up next, let's go children," the she-devil said as she stood from her desk followed by Gray.

Natsu stood from his desk too, but he looked behind him toward the dark corner to notice that it was empty.

'I could have sworn someone sat there just a second ago, and she looked like the type to wait until everyone left,' he thought.

"Natsu hurry up you sack of waste!" his rival yelled from the hallway,

"I'm coming stripper!" he replied,

                                                       "Who was that girl hiding in the shadows?"

What am I suppose to see? (Nalu fanfic on behalf of boredom 👍)Where stories live. Discover now