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"Alright class-" Guildarts looked at his class carefully before combing though his hair with a rough hand, "I'm assigning you homework tonight, and I expect it to be done before math class tomorrow," he began passing out sheets of long difficult problems.

"If your homework is somehow not done by class tommorow-" he glared at his class, "You will be awarded with two weeks of chores and detentions."

Guildarts began to cackle at the terrified faces of his students.

"Good luck chumps," he said as he left the classroom with his satchel, laughing his heart out.

The bell rang, signaling the end of the school day.

"How are we going to survive this? Just look at these problems-" the usually relaxed Gray said while sweating bullets, "We can't possibly find the answers to such complicated math equations, We're doomed I tell you! DOOMED!" he ranted,

"Not even I can find a loop hole through this, these problems are just way above my level," the depressed Erza complained,

"Why don't we ask Luce for help?" Natsu suggested,

"Yeah, but how are we gonna find her? She's very capable of hiding herself from other people if you didn't know," Gray said,

"Then we'll just have to split up and search the whole school," Natsu concluded,

"Maybe then we could help her and she could help us, I agree with this idea of getting Lucy," Erza said,

Gray sighed while watching his friends get up from their desks with their belongings before leaving his desk to follow behind.

                                                            . . .

Natsu strolled down the hallway by himself while looking for a familiar hooded figure. When he failed to find her inside the building, he left to go outside. He walked the same path he took earlier during lunch time with Erza and Gray to find the Cherry Blossom tree they sat under. He spotted the tree and sat down by the lake while staring into the water.

When he heard a rustle by the tree behind him, he turned to see the person he was looking for.

'Lucy?' he questioned no one in particular when his eyes met a familiar head of golden tresses, but her back was turned toward him like earlier today.

Her left hand rested on the tree as she stared up into the sky. The wind blew, causing her hair to flap wildly.

"You want answers-" she said with her back still turned, "That's why you came here, isn't it?" she continued,

"Yes." Natsu stood to face her back with determined eyes, "I want to know everything about you," he said.

She flinched in surprise, no one in her life time ever wanted to spare a single thought on her, but Natsu wanted to know everything about her and who she was.

"I want to become your most trusted friend, and I want you to know that you can rely on me Luce," he stated while watching her slowly turn toward him,

"You're not alone anymore Luce, you have me now," he smiled when he finally saw her face.

Her brown chocolate orbs were filled with tears and her pink lips were shaped into a small smile of what seemed like happiness and relief.

"Thank you, Natsu," she managed to say before she ran at him for a tight hug,

"Thank you so much," she whispered before she fell asleep on his chest.

Natsu smiled sweetly at her before placing her in his arms. He walked away from the tree with the sleeping girl in his arms.

"You did good Natsu, I respect that," Erza said with a proud smile,

"I can't say you didn't do a great thing for this girl," Gray said, "For once in my life I respect you flame brain," he smiled,

"Yeah, I know," Natsu said while staring at the girl in his arms,

"Let's take her with us, it's getting late and we don't know where she lives," Erza said,

"Of course," he continued to stare at Lucy's sleeping face.

Erza nodded at Natsu, and they began to walk toward the front of the already empty school. The driver opened the door to the car and patiently waited for his passengers to seat themselves inside the limousine.

"I don't mean to be rude Master Natsu, but who is that girl you're holding there?" he sent a questioning look toward Natsu,

"Don't worry, she's just a friend," he answered.

The driver nodded, and he shut the door behind Natsu before he made his way toward the driver's seat. 

When the limousine left, Gildarts walked from behind a tree toward where the vehicle was once parked, facing the direction that the limo drove off in.

"I'll make their homework tonight an exception, what those kids did just now for that girl, especially Natsu, is more than what I could ever ask for," he smiled in appreciation at the direction the limo left in before turning away to walk home.

Natsu sat Lucy beside him to rest on his lap while playing with her golden tresses. Gray and Erza gave each other a knowing look when they witnessed Natsu happily staring at Lucy's unconscious state.

                                                                               "I'll protect you Luce."  

What am I suppose to see? (Nalu fanfic on behalf of boredom 👍)Where stories live. Discover now