1~ Can't help falling in love

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Authors note- So this is my first time actually commiting to writing something because I am currently obsessed with this game and ya know Connor, anyways I'm sorry if it sucks!

(Y/n) P.O.V

"Would yoy hurry up already (Y/n)!?" I heard Hank yell as I smoothed down my dress. "Yea just give me a few more minutes old man! Beauty takes time!" I smiled. I stepped out of the room greeted by Hank and Connor smiling at me, "what are you two looking at?" Hank just smiles and heads out to the car while Connor sits there looking me up and down. "Connor? Uh, Earth to Connor! Hey we gotta go you can stare at me later" I laughed after seeing him blush a bright blue "S-sorry (Y/n) you just never dress up like this, you look....nice" he mumbled and followed me to the car.

Connors P.O.V

'Seriously Connor?! Nice? That's all you could think of?! How about beautiful, or cute, maybe dare I say hot or sexy because damn what I would do to....' "Connor?" I heard a soft voice call out and I blinked a few times looking over at (Y/n) "What can I assist you with (Y/n)?" I asked with a slight smile. "Nothing you were just smirking and staring off into space, I just wanted to make sure you're alright" she giggled

No P.O.V

"Would you two hurry up and get the hell out of my car?" Hank snarked with a cheeky smile. Connor hopped out of the vehicle first and held (Y/n's) door for her "M'Lady" he bowed "Why thank you Connor" she replied with a small nod. The two walked in immediately spotting Hank at the bar with a couple of the other officers. The two hung out and talked until a somewhat dirty song came on and (Y/n) went off to dance with a couple of friends, while Connor just sat their watching her unknown to himself, he was smiling....

(Y/n) P.O.V

As the song went off it switched to a slower song and I glanced around the room looking for Connor. "Hey (Y/n)" I heard an all too familiar voice say as I was whipped around to face them. "Ew" is all I could respond with when my eyes were met with Gavin. "Aw don't be rude, I'm just trying to dance with you (Y/n)!" He smirked looking me up and down.
"No thanks, have you seen Connor?" I tried to ask politely "Yea, wait?....You want to dance with him?" Gavin whisper yelled "Why not me? What does he have that I don't? What does he do that I don't?" He questioned angrily as I sighed "Connor is just special okay? He....he makes me happy" I look up met with a different set of familiar eyes. "Was he bothering you?" Hank asked taking my hand and slow dancing with me "a little bit, but he isn't that bad, he just needs some love" I smile up at Hank (my father figure).
Little did I know he was leading me to Connor. Hank soon lets go of me, the song almost over, I was confused for a moment until I hear "go get her tiger" Connor was then shoved in front of me. He was stood there awkwardly until I grabbed his hand and danced a little "I'm sorry (Y/n) I just, I don't really know how to do this..." I placed one of his hands on my waist while one of mine went on his shoulder, still holding his hand with the other "then I'll show you". I guided Connor around until he got the hang of it and soon took the lead.

"Wise men say, only fools rush in"
"But I can't help falling in love, with you"

We swayed to the music getting closer and closer together as time went on.
(Towards the end of the song) Connor stepped back for a moment singing along with the song.

"Take my hand" he stepped back forewards and took my hand in his smiling "I want to be here for you (Y/n)
"Take my whole life too" he placed my hand over where his heart would be "I want to be the only one you ever love or need darling".
"For I can't help" his forehead leaned against mine as he sang to me, we were now pressed against one another. My arms wrapped around his neck while his were wrapped over my waist.
"Falling in love, with you" his eyes connected with mine as he sang that part, twinkling slightly in the dimm lighting.
"For I can't help" he shifted me slightly, hand on my back "falling in love" he began to dip me backwards slowly "with you...." he leaned in placing a sweet kiss on my lips holding me there even after the song was over.

Once he pulled away and lifted me with him he hugged me, "Connor" I mumbled looking up into his chocolate eyes, toying with that little piece of hair that hangs down in his face "Yes?" He hummed still holding me. "I love you" I nussled him and kissed his cheek, "I love you more" he smiled kissing the top of my head.


I hope you enjoyed if you lasted this long! Hopefully I will get more ideas and I will be able to continue! (I can try and do some requests if you guys want), Love ya! -Cypress

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