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Authors note- so in suit of keeping that cuteness overload in check, this won't be a normal jealous fic, you'll see what I mean soon enough. Enjoy the chapter! (Pupper at the top is your dog)

(Y/n) P.O.V

    "HAAAAANK GET YOUR OLD ASS OVER HERE NOW!" I yelled into the phone "right because you yelling at me really makes me want to come see you. " he grumbled on the other side "I have a suprise for you and Connor, just hurry. It's getting restless.". Hank and I finished our conversation and I look to my feet met with my small pup Skippy.
      "C'mere let's get you ready baby" I pick up the small dog giving him a bath and tied a little red bandana around his neck once he was dry. A loud knock on my door made Skippy start barking...kinda ruining the surprise. I open the door letting the two in.
      "Surprise!" I say gesturing to the puppy that was now tugging at Connors pant leg. "So that's coming with me when I leave right?" Hank asked clearly trying to steal my dog. "Hank..if you try that. I will find you. And I will kill you." I growl playfully at him as he raises his hands "someone is already in love huh" "very, this ain't no game son!".
      We hung out for a while, I cuddle Skippy and cooed at him most of the time. Connor oddly enough hadn't really been talking so I looked up seeing a grumpy glare, not at me. But at Skippy. "Connor, Hank and I are going to go cook something up, we are starving." Hank looked over at me confused but followed anyways.
     "Hank I think Connor doesn't like Skippy.." I mumble "I thought he liked dogs". "You know what I think?" I glance up at hank "what?" "I think he is jealous, he normally gets all the attention and now he isn't the only cute one." He pointed over to Connor who had sat the dog infront of him and seemed to be talking to him.

Connor P.O.V

    I stare down at this so called 'Skippy'. "Alright we are going to have to discuss something little guy. I'm the only one who's allowed to be cute around here, you're going to have to tone it down."  The puppy cocks it head giving a small bork "see that's what I'm talking about.
     Those cute little things you do to get (Y/n)'s attention. Either stop or teach me your ways." Skippy just licks my nose "I'm glad we could come to an agreement." I smile slightly looking around seeing that Hank and (Y/n) had been listening and laughing.

(Y/n) P.O.V

     I walk over to the two rubbing Skippy's belly "he is quite...nice" Connor pouted seeing me give the dog attention once again. "I think he is cute" "I wouldn't say cute, just you know...pleasant looking.". I snicker "are you jealous of my dog Connor" he stayed quiet.
        "Awwww, Connor I still think you are cute too! He's just my puppy. You're my boy- bestfriend!" I cut myself off, Hank obviously noticing. "Really!?" Connor seemed to perk up knowing that I still care for him. "Yes, in fact I think you're very cute. Maybe even cuter than Skippy.".
     "Well I would love to say that you are cute as well (Y/n) but it wouldn't be true." Connor stated sitting closer to me "wow...thanks Connor" I pout "you're not cute, you're hot." He smirked and gave me a wink. "YA NASTY!" I swat him making him laugh and hug me. "I love you to the moon and back Connor" I hummed kissing his cheek.
        "That is a very long distance (Y/n),  do you know how long it would take to travel that" "it's a metaphor Connor. Besides, I don't care how long it would take. I'd do anything for you Connor and even a distance that long wouldn't seem so bad if I had you with me." I cuddle into him. "Well. I.....I love you too" he smiled "and I was definitely jealous of your dog..." "I know."

"So are you guys just gonna continue your little love fantasy or are we gonna watch some tv or something" Hank complained crouching down infront of us "HANK YOU ARE RUINING THE MOMENT" I squeal as Connor pulls him into our cuddle. "Ewwwwwww" hank scurried away back to the couch "nevermind take your time" he smiles warmly at us thinking back to his wife and son.

          THE END

Yooooooooo I'm so excited! This story is ranked #8 in cutenessoverload and I am freaking out a lil bit! Thank you guys so much for all the love! I'm glad you guys are enjoying this book cause I enjoy writing it, anyways I hope you enjoyed this part, more tomorrow! Love ya! ~Cypress

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