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Authors note- PEOPLE ACTUALLY LIKE MY WRITING!!!! I guess I'm gonna continue writing these then, I'll get back to it!

   (Y/n) was currently visiting her good friend Hank Anderson, the only problem with that is the fact that she is bored out of her mind! Hank is awesome don't get me wrong but he is an old man and only drinks while watching television for fun. She needed something better, more involving.
      She glanced over at the Android who was struggling to understand Hanks jokes "Connor~ would you like to help me with a little project?" She called to him with a smile. Connor stood "yes, how may I assist you (Y/n)?" He asked while walking to the kitchen with her.

(Y/n) P.O.V

   "We are going to make cupcakes!" I squealed happily making the poor android jump. "What is a cupcake?" He cocked his head at me (oh that s'cute :3) "Connor. I'm gonna pretend like you didn't just ask me that and instead said yes I would love to bake with the wonderful, beatuliful and talented (Y/n)". Connor only smiled letting me wrap an apron around him.
     As we got out the ingeedients I noticed that the flour was up on the top shelf in the pantry. I stood up on my tip toes attempting to reach, this resulted in me stumbling slightly. A small chuckle erupting from behind my back startled me slightly as two hands wrap over my side lifting me off the ground. "C-Connor! What are you doing!?" I looked down to him, a smile formed on his lips "helping you reach the flour. Obviously" he said that last part sassily.
    I grabbed the flour and instead of him putting me down, he carried me back to the kitchen Hank noticed and decided to leave for a bit so he didn't mess up our baking time. Connor began making the batter while I prepped a cupcake tin, I moved over to Connor and took the bowl pouring it somewhat evenly into the tin then baking the cupcakes (playing just dance while we wait).
     The timer went off letting Connor and I know that our treats were done! Connor grabbed out the cupcakes while I got the icing. After letting them cool we began icing them, setting one vanilla one aside to put peanut butter on it and give it to Sumo. Connor was so focused on icing the cupcakes it was kind of cute, I swiped my finger into the icing and dolloped it onto his nose giggling.
     He looked over at me confused "(Y/n) I don't think you understand... the icing goes on top of the cupcakes not on my face" he tried to lick it off his own nose but I thought of something better. I leaned into his face licking the icing that was on his nose, his cheeks flaring up turning blue.
     "Did  you just lick me?" "Yup! What are you gonna do about it?" I question him soon regretting it when I saw him smirk and grab the bag of flour throwing some at me I gasp "oh it is on plastic boy! You've started a war" I growl playfully tossing things back and forth I went to grab the icing again but was stopped short when Connor grabbed my wrist pulling me close to him.
     "I like baking with you (Y/n), it's interesting to watch you move... your hips just kind of...sway nicely" he nussled me kissing my forehead. "Did you just admit to checking me out?" He only smirked and nodded "no shame" I huff hugging into his oddly warm chest. Connor leaned down hovering his lips over mine, I could feel the heat radiating from his face as I hear the front door open and close.
     We both turn our heads met with a smiling Hank. Oh...this might look....interesting. Connor and I covered in flour and icing, his arms wrapped around me tightly pressing my lower half against him "You two finally kiss yet?" He laughed making connor shake his head no, he then pulls me in for a long flour covered kiss with Hank cheering us on in the back ground. "Ah just don't have sex in my house" he mumbled sitting on the couch.
      Connor and I pull apart "noted, I'm gonna go get cleaned up" I walk across the room to the hall where the guest room was, swaying my hips since Connor said it was nice earlier "You wanna come help Connor?~" I questioned going into the room. "Connor son. What did you get yourself into?" Hank asked looking over at him "something good Hank. Something real, real good." He smirked handing Sumo his cupcake then going to the bedroom. Hank ends up going back to the bar assuming that it was going to be a loooooong night.

       THE END

I hope you enjoyed this part, I just thought flour covered kisses would be so cute with little Connor, thanks for reading! Love you guys! ~Cypress

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