chapter two.

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jungkook's pov

my thoughts cut off as I look over to see who it was.

"oh my gosh jimin thank god it's you" I hug his little figure tightly making him give out a little whine.
"Owww kookie what's with the hug" jimin asked in a questionable tone. Should I tell him? I mean he is my best friend... but why would I even need to tell him about some dude who gave me a deep beautiful gaze that made my stomach melt like- ok that's enough, I need to get my thoughts straight.

"Umm jungkookie are you ok...? You seem a bit off." I jumped a little as jimin waved his hand in front of my face to get my attention.
"Yeah sorry. I'm just u-um happy to see you! That's all." I tried to sound as convincing as possible which I'm sure failed miserably. He gave me a disbelieving look and I look down at my hands to not have to meet his confused eyes.
"I- I gotta go, um class is starting soon. bye chim chim." I ran out the bathroom not looking back, my palms were sweaty and I felt unsure of myself... I just lied to my best friend. I kept walking to my next class as fast as possible not wanting to bump into a certain someone.


The time of the year everyone has been waiting for... dorms. For the past two years I've been lucky enough to not have a roommate... but I'm up for a change, it does get quite lonely at times. Having moved away from my parents, I've learnt to be independent... but maybe some company could do me good. I thought.

Hm, room 45... oh would you look at that, I do have a roommate, this is exciting. I continued walking down the halls until I found my room. I stared at the door with anticipation, oddly enough nerves were trickling down my body as I rose my knuckles to knock on the door.
*knock knock*
twice should be enough. I gripped onto the handle and gently opened the wooden door. I peeked inside and saw someone sitting on the bed, their back facing to me.
"Hello, I'm jungkook I believe we're sharing a d-dorm" I tried to sound assuring, but my stuttering wasn't helping. The boy stood up and turned around, and I instantly recognized that face.

N- no way.. no. way. out of all people, I'm sharing a room with this guy.

The boy stared at me, like he knew exactly who I was. He gave me a good glance from head to toe making me feel vulnerable and small.
"I'm taehyung. Don't ask too many questions, you stay in your lane and I'll stay in mine, ok?"
He looks at me with his ocean deep eyes, taking in all of me... I can't bare to look at him, not like this. Who does he think he is, telling me what I can and can't do. What a douche.
"whatever" I whispered only loud enough for me to hear. The tall boy walks over to his bed and sits down with his laptop. His hands gracefully move over the keyboard as he studies his screen intently.

guess this is my side. I walk over to my dresser and start to unpack some things, I look over to see taehyung's belongings nicely put away with a candle on his bedside table which smelled quite nice. It had a cinnamon scent that lingered around the room. An awkward air of silence filled the room creating great tension.

"Are you gay?" he asked... that definitely broke the ice but somehow made the tension greater. I dropped my clothes and turned around to face the boy looking at him in utter confusion, what kind of question did he just ask me.
"Why?" I simply asked
"Because if you are then we have a problem, and I'd like to know now instead of figuring out myself later."
"Why would it be a problem?" My curiosity got the best of me.
He got off his bed and walked towards me, crouching down to sit next to me on the cold floor.
"Because I'm not gay" he whispered in my ear almost grazing it with his soft lips. I felt my body give in as soon as his hot breath fanned my neck. My mind was running at a thousand miles an hour and I felt my stomach do multiple flips. Straightaway I felt my cheeks go a deep shade of red.
"Oh y-yeah of course not, I'm not g-gay." I stuttered.
"Good" he gave me a smile and walked back to his bed, continuing his work as if nothing had just happened. I immediately looked down in embarrassment and continued to put my stuff away, ignoring every inch of what I'm feeling in my body, and most importantly ignoring all my thoughts, both bad and good. I didn't want to analyze what I had just felt, I don't want to come to any conclusions.


No response, of course.
I flipped around in my bed, trying to make myself comfortable. Spooning the pillow to give me some comfort. I feel my heavy breathing against my chest as I close my eyes to hopefully doze off. My eyelids got heavy until I hear the other bed creak. Why is he getting up, maybe he's thirsty? Or maybe the bathroom? Ok why do I care. He's nothing important anyway.
I close my eyes, thinking of what to dream about until the latch on the door opens.

"Goodnight jungkook"
My eyes shot open and I quickly sat up. I stared at him and he looked me straight in the eye, those eyes, always filled with desire, piercing through me, it drives me crazy.
"Where are you going?" I managed to whisper.
No response. He opened the door and left the room, leaving me to question a million things.
He really is a douche. First no response and then he just leaves... I wonder where he went, whatever.

I close to eyes letting my body sink into the bed, molding me perfectly to have a good nights rest.


(a/n) well this is getting spicy. Get ready for some smut soon. Peace out kinksters.

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