chapter six.

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hoseok's pov

"Put this vest on, we're going to practice once before the real event... just so you know how the impact will feel."
I handle the vest gently and put it on under my shirt, trying my best not to slouch from the weight of it. I watch as he slowly pulls out the matte black gun from his pocket and signals me to stand on the x. I walk towards the red x on the floor as my shoes echo in the dark room. "Don't worry it won't hurt, the vest will make sure you don't feel a thing."

I nod and close my eyes to take a deep breath, I slowly peel my eyelids open to see the gun pointing towards me. The adrenaline rush was building inside me, I feel my body heat up and sweat drip down my back. I hear him pull the notch and rest his index finger on the trigger. He looks at me in the eye with a mischievous look, he didn't look like the boy I knew my whole life... he seemed deadly. I slowly notice a grin form on his lips and he gives me a cold stare. I close my eyes and clench my hands into fists until my knuckles turn white.
"Don't be too loud."
He lowly chuckles and pulls the trigger.


third persons pov

Taehyung sat on the fresh cut grass, leaning up against the dark oak tree as a back rest. His face buried into the paper as he started to write with his black ink in cursive. His arm moved swiftly against the wind with his face pace handwriting. The wind blew through his soft hair and the leaves skimmed his paper creating a relaxing atmosphere.
"Would you look at that, our taehyungie is looking aesthetic as fuck!" Jin hollered from the other side of the field.

Taehyung let out a chuckle and watched Jin and the others make their way towards him. "Ah taetae how are you doing?" Namjoon hit the back of his head causing taehyung let out a small shriek.
"Ahh joonie don't do that, that hurts you should know by now." Namjoon snickered and continued to bother Taehyung, tickling him until taehyung almost choked. 

Jungkook looked at the two boys play fighting and was shocked to see this soft side from taehyung. All the boys cheered them on and giggled but jungkook just stared with an amused face. They look so close, I wonder ever since when hyung and tae have had such a strong relationship... I've never seen him like this, his boxy smile is adorable. Jungkook allowed himself to immerse into his thoughts and couldn't help but slip up a smile. Then everyone turns their head to see jimin and yoongi having a loud conversation.

"Yoongi pleaseee I want ice cream, you promised to take me." Jimin whined.
"Whiny boy aren't you." Yoongi smiled at the small boy in front of him.
"Stop bothering me hyung, just take me." Jimin punched the boy in his arm to show his annoyance. Yoongi lifted up jimin bridal style and starts to carry him to the ice cream shop.
"Ah yoongi put me down! I can walk!" Jimin screamed banging his fists against yoongi's chest. He ignored the small boy and continued to walk towards the ice cream shop.
"I ship it" hoseok muttered. Everyone broke out into laughter agreeing with hobi. Jin, namjoon and hoseok engaged in their own conversation as taehyung and jungkook sat together in an uncomfortable silence, listening to the three other boys. Suddenly jungkook notices taehyung closing the space between them, he couldn't help but feel flustered.

"I could use some ice cream too, preferably vanilla... sweet, simple and milky." Taehyung whispered into jungkook's ear. To taehyung's surprise jungkook didn't back down like usual, instead he gave in.
"Is there someone specific you have in mind?" Jungkook asked alluringly. Taehyung smirked and placed his hand on jungkook's thigh stroking it in circles.
"You're coming with me."


taehyung's pov

My body was asking for it, and he was the only one available. I push him into our dorm and pin him against the door towering myself overtop him.
"Your body is mine tonight." I stare at his figure and lick my lips, his beautiful face was driving me insane.
"Mmm sorry, but I'm not letting you take the lead." I look at him disappointed yet somehow aroused by his hard to get games. Next thing I knew I was the one pinned against the wall. I could feel his breath against my neck as he pressed his body up against mine.
"You're going to submit to me aren't you taetae." He whispered lowly. I look at him confused and let out a little scoff. I could clearly see how nervous he was, and he was definitely new to the whole topping situation. But then he tighten his grip on my wrists and I froze.


"Good boy, don't squirm too much, I don't want you to rip the rope."
"Ah please l-let me go, don't do this to me." "Do what? Oh you mean rape you, sorry baby boy but that's what I'm best at."
He lowly chuckled. His mouth reached my neck as he harshly sucked on it, I let out small whimpers not having a way to escape. I'm strapped to a chair for god's sake. His hands smothered all over my waist making me cringe. He untied the rope and threw me over his shoulder, he's too strong for me to escape.

He threw me onto the cold floor and harshly unbuckled our belts.
"Don't squirm or else I will kill you... you wouldn't be my first kill."
He threw me a stone cold look and I shook in fear. His hands caressed my inner thighs and I stiffened my whole body, feeling disgusted. "Get off of me you animal." I choked out. "What did you say?" He slapped my face leaving a burning red mark. I looked at him furiously and try to push him off. He quickly takes my hands and pins them against my head. He gripped my wrists so tight that I felt like they were bleeding. He suddenly looked up to the side and I followed his gaze. I see a boy around my age holding a camera shaking shitless.
"Make sure to record the whole thing understood? I need that tape for my next victims."
"Y-yes sir." He replies.

Without warning the man started to align himself with my hole and I closed my eyes feeling the tears form in my eyes. Suddenly I hear the camera drop onto the cold floor and I look over to see the young boy running towards the man on top of me. The boy grips onto the mans shoulders and pulls him off of me before he can do anything to me.
"What the- IM GOING TO KILL YOU." I hear the man yell.
"Run, run taehyung I'll be ok just run." The boy told me, I watch as the man stares at me telling me to not to leave and punches the other boy in the stomach. I feel tears rolling down my cheeks not knowing what to do. I make a run for it but look back for a second to say one last thing.
"Promise you'll stay alive for me." I yell to the young boy.
"I promise." 

~end of flashback~

"T-taehyung are you ok?" I snapped out of my flashback and looked at jungkook. His hands were no longer gripping my wrists and his expression screamed more than worried. I look around confused and notice that I'd zoned out for a good minute.
"I-I'm sorry, did I do something, why did you zone out like that-" I cut him off by grabbing his waist and turning us around, smashing him against the wall.

jungkook's pov

My back banged against the wall and I let out a shriek from his sudden movements.
"Don't ever do that again, understood?" He uttered in a low voice. I look into his eyes and see pure wrath. I could feel the flames in his eyes spread onto my body, I nodded and stood underneath him in fear. I never liked being in control, I just wanted to see tae's reaction... I definitely wasn't expecting this.
"Good." He looked at me with a controlling gaze, yet something inside him seemed wrong... almost broken. Behind those lustful eyes was something, something deeper... this boy's eyes gave me everything I needed to know. He let go of my waist and walked towards the door.
"We'll continue this later." He said stiffly.
I stood in the middle of the room as I heard the door shut.

What just happened.


(a/n) well that was quite a rollercoaster wasn't it. Peace out kinksters.

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