chapter four.

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taehyung's pov

I took careful steps back to the dorm, not wanting to cause any ruckus. Squinting my eyes through the dark I managed to safely go up the stairs. I kept my pace slow, taking gentle strides while gripping the railing. I don't want anyone to wake up and ask where I've been, I get enough of that bullshit from my roommate and his gall glares.

I make my way to the dorm, holding my breath I benignly open the door not letting a creak slip. Looking over I see jungkook asleep, cuddling his pillow like always. I could do that comely body good, it could definitely fulfill my desires... just like a girl. I smirked at my own thought and flopped onto my bed.


jungkook's pov

My thoughts during this class were all over the place... I certainly had no concentration. Everywhere I would look, I would see him, like some spirit that wants to see me suffer. I look to my side and see him sitting there, three desks over, taking notes with a black ink pen and occasionally glancing at the promethean. He taps his fingers on the wood table in a repetitive pattern, while staring at the wall... deep in his own thoughts.

I slowly turn my attention back to my notes to avoid getting caught staring. That's until I hear taehyung gently tap his foot on the floor in a consistent beat. I look at his feet then up to his face to see him eyeballing me while chewing the end of his pen. He licks his plump lips and gives me a conceited smirk, turning his gaze back to the promethean.

What the fuck was that? That asshole caught me staring- no observing him. He really is an ass, always throwing me emotionless looks, never talks to me, and then this!? He acts coldly to me yet knows how to drive me insane, who even is he, I literally only know his name and that he's not gay. such helpful information. I sat there and scoffed at my own thoughts.

His attitude just filled me with indignation, like he's the only person who knows how to push my buttons and he knows it. So how about I play him too. hah I'm going to so regret this later. I ripped a piece of paper from the side of my notebook and started to write. Some odd confidence came into me, just to mess with this guy.

You look like you need some fun in your life, so how about I give you a nice surprise today... meet me in Mr. jung's classroom at 5.. see ya ;).

I folded the small paper and managed to slip it into taehyung's bag on the way out. Then it hit me. What in the fucking world have I done. 


4:38, I stared at my phone panicking, not knowing what to expect, furthermore what to do. My palms felt awfully clammy from all the sweat my body relinquished. I dialed jimin's number almost dropping my phone into my deep sea of moisture.

"Jimin! Thank god you answered."
"Kook, you ok? You sound out of breath."
"Y-yeah I'm fine... I need you to do me a favor, can you teach me how to pick a lock... uhh I know you have experience."
"Right... why- never mind. Do you have a paper clip?"
"Yes, I'm prepared."
"Ok insert the clip into the bottom key of the hole, and slowly apply pressure."
"Uh huh"
"Then start to rotate until you hear the click"
I did as jimin told me, letting out some grunts in between from the struggle. I would hear him giggle from the other side of the line, but I ignored him, getting my rusty hands to work.
"Mmm almost there- ahh got it!"
"Good, glad I could help."
"Thanks buddy"
(a/n, yes I made the whole situation sound like a porno I know hehe)

I hung up on jimin and proceeded into the teachers classroom. Empty and cold... no one was around at this time of the day, unless there was some tutoring session. I made sure to check my times before writing that stupid note. I decided to make myself look somewhat presentable. I took out my phone and opened the camera, ruffled my hair to give it some volume and wiped off some sweat from my temples. I slowly walked towards a desk and sat on top of it patiently.


taehyung's pov

some fun, huh? this person has no idea who they're playing with. I gave myself a smug look continuing to walk down the hall to reach this special person. I reached the classroom and stared at the wooden door. Taking in a deep breath I took hold of the handle and gradually opened the door. I peeked inside and saw a beautiful silhouette sitting in the dark. I observed my surroundings and found the light switch, gliding my hand carefully over the cold wall I turned the lights on.


jungkook's pov

The lights blinded my vision for a spilt second not noticing who was standing in front of me. I slowly widened my eyes to see him leaning against the wall, hands in his pockets with his feet crossed, causing his tight pants to attract my attention. I gulped down all my anxiety and looked him in the eye. He uncrossed his feet and started walking towards me, his shoes echoed in the quiet room only to make me more anxious. I wrapped my fingers around the rim of the desk and let my legs dangle off the edge, trying to keep my balance.

"Look who we have here" he looked at me deep in my eyes and walked closer, only to make the space between us tight, our bodies almost touching. His raspy voice still echoed in my head and his sweet cinnamon scent lingered around our close proximity. I lost my train of thought and my body gave in. My eyes couldn't get off of him, I looked into him only to see his smug smirk and pure tepidness. My mind was telling me to stop but my body was saying otherwise. I slowly wrapped my legs around his waist just to give him a little tease.

He looked at me with a confused expression, but underneath all that was desire, nothing more, nothing less.
"What are you doing-" before he could finish his words I smashed my lips against his, gracefully gliding along his plump surface. I took him over trying to lead him into a deeper kiss but Taehyung instantly pulled away and gasped for air. His eyes seemed furious yet intrigued as he stared at me in pure desire.
"I a-am so so so sorry, that was just a reflex, in the moment type of thing, it m-meant nothing I swear, I should leave-"

I promptly felt those same lips attack mine. His hot breath added a tingling sensation to my mouth making me want more as we fought over dominance... he instantly won that battle. His tongue glided along my bottom lip asking for entrance which I gladly granted. His graceful tongue explored my wet cavern, analyzing every inch of my warm mouth. His hands traveled up my back causing me to let out a small moan and my body got tense as he slowly bit down on my lower lip. My body started to heat up and my lips were getting bruised, I want more of him, this addictive toxic. I let my hands travel up to his neck, pulling him close for a deeper kiss.

taehyung's pov

I hummed to myself in satisfaction as I hear him moan. jungkook pulls away to gasp for some air after our hot session. I look at him in shock as to what he had done and he sits there in awe from our current situation. Before I could comment on his actions a figure caught my attention and I looked behind jungkook's shoulder through the big shiny window, to see the man who was staring at me.
Fuck, it's him.
I instantly remove jungkook's legs from my sides and stare at him in fear.
"I-is everything ok- of course nothing is ok, what have I done I'm s-sorry just-"
"I have to go." I dash out the room not looking back.
I need to leave before he finds me.


(a/n) ah thank you for the reads everyone, hope you're enjoying the book. Finally the plot is kicking in along with some more spice. Peace out kinksters.

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