Susie/Frustrated! Reader .:One breath, Two...:.

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art from: Naginxta

"what...what's the point in this? if they were gonna do something this- hh not now ___, 's not worth it..." Folding the paper properly in its rightful folder, you paused, wondering if it really was. "no, wait," looking across your working desk, you followed your sight to dozens of same-looking creme folders and white papers with black text. Looking at the folder name, you saw that it was, but, wait, wasn't there another folder similar to this one? "Agh, I...I swear why Nova, why? I wish if only I could grab Halttmen by the tongue and show him how stuffy all these requirments are! He can't treat to his own one-class worker, Susie, let alone here my own opnion on the idea. Hmmph, I guess that's what I get for thiking this guy was a different man than any other buissness man in the galaxy..."


"Noble Haltmann, we adore him, Noble Haltman, we adore him. kingly lord of time and space~"the familiar rang of song radiated to your ears from the only worker who sang it, the uniformly-dressed female on the entire air-ship? space ship?

"uh- Susie! Over here!"

she stopped her song while she was in the middle of placing pictures of Haltmann across the halls

"huh? yes, what is it? Any assistance you aquire from me, ___?"

"sure do. But, not only that, but, I'll get to that subject in a second. For now, can you help me put all these papers in order, perhaps?"

moments later, you stared down at your hands to possibly 10 folders layed neatly in your arms. This was the work of a work-aholic. You couldn't have sprung this fast to put every thing in it's correct order. Susie really was dedecated in her job.

"now, um- you wished to tell me a complaint or something similar, right?"

you sprung up nervously, knowing what she'd hear proably be something she wouldn't like "right right, well, it's about halttmen..."

you soon discussed your conflict with his orders, reveilving detail on his abuse in giving you unessasary objectives even while you already had much to do!

"not only that, but the bots that protect this place from intruders have been broken down so much, i'm surprised he didn't buy a new one with all the money he posses!"

"oh dear, yes you... actually are right, i must say ___. don't you worry, i'll fix up the conflict as soon as i can. as for now, ___ it's best you get this all done so he knows you're not going to rebel. Besides that, i'll chop down this work short with just a few statements and you should be good to go!" you almost praised her before she dashed off to do so, you assumed. This was great, now you didn't have to worry so much, and gladly, she understood! You thoght, 'she may not ever want anyone to betray or talk back to the big boss, but she doesn't want them tortured either... All I could really say, is... Gosh after i finish this i need some rest...'

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