Chapter 1

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The picture is what Kate looks like! Hey guys! This is my first story so please no hate! In this story Dally and Johnny aren't dead. I hope you like it!

Kate's POV
"Kate wake up! Time for work!"Soda screamed. I rolled my eyes and slide out of my bed. I put on ripped skinny jeans and a white crop top under my unbuttoned DX shirt. After I got dressed and brushed my hair. It's naturally curly so I usually don't mess with it. "Hurry up!" Soda said walking into my room. "I'm coming calm down" I said back in an angry voice. I grabbed my converse and ran down the hall. "Morning Doll" said Two-bit with a girly smile. He knows I hate being called Doll. I glared at him and walked out the door. "Come on Soda and Steve I don't want to be late again" I shouted. They ran out the door and we walked to the DX. Soda and Steve walked into the garage and I went to the register. It was a long day and we were about to close up the DX. DING! The door opened and in came a tall muscular guy with brown hair, and blue eyes. "How can I help you?" I said politely. "Hello, I need and oil change and you." He said. "You wish pretty boy" I said shooting him a glare. He took a step closer and grabbed my arm. "Don't be like that baby" he said looking me up and down. I punched him in the face. He stumbled back saying "you will regret that."
Soda POV
Steve and I finished the last car and walked into the shop. "Hey Kate!" I said. She looked at me and walked out the door. "Tuff day" said Steve. When we got home we didn't see Kate. "Darry where is Kate?" I said. "I thought she was with you?" He responded. "Oh Crap! We have to find her"
Kate POV (after she walked out of the DX)
Soda had no idea. I started to walk home when a red corvette started trailing me. 4 guys jumped out of the car. "Hey honey why don't you come with us" one of them said. I started to run when two of them grabbed me and pinned me to the ground. The other two started punching and kicking me. They pulled out a blade and cut my arms. I let out a scream, and they all laughed. They kicked my head and I was out cold.
Soda POV
We ran until we saw a blood trail. Then a body. KATE! I screamed. I picked her up and ran back to the house. I ran threw the door and everyone jumped up. Darry got a first aid kit and started cleaning her up. "Why did you let her go alone! She's 15!" Darry said. I started to tear up at the sight of my sister. If I would of went after her none of this would of happened.
Kate POV
I was walking home when 6 guys jumped out of a car. "Go and do everyone a favor and kill your self" one of them said. "Nobody loves you you worthless." Said another one. They pinned to a tree and they started cutting my arms, face, and neck. Tears rolled down my checks making the fresh cuts burn. They put a gun to my head BANG!
I screamed and shot up from my bed. I was soaking wet from sweating and crying so much. "Shhh your ok everything's ok." said soda pulling me closer. Nothing was ok. For the first time I felt worthless. That made me cry even harder.

Sorry for the long chapter! I hope you enjoyed it! Comment what you thought of this chapter! I will try to update everyday! Love you all❤️

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