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"You don't protect your heart by acting like you don't have one

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"You don't protect your heart by acting like you don't have one."

- Jackson POV -

My breathes staggered as I ran, my engraved knife bloody with crimson regret. All I could hear was my heart beating in my chest, my frenzied footsteps on the pavement, and the angry men and women chasing after me.

I looked back, not stopping for a moment as I observed the group. Every single person trailing me was easily recognizable. The tall man with hazel eyes; the rugged model-type with an icy stare; the robed group of women with spell books open to various pages. The only people I've ever known were trying to hunt me down and end me.

The feeling that hurt more than all of it was that my trenchcoated protector wasn't here to save me this time. But that wasn't the worst part. The worst of it all was that I needed him to save me. To save me from the danger I was putting myself in. I couldn't control myself or handle everything I've caused.

My mind flashed to earlier, when my sharpened blade dug into the chest of my mother. Her screams echoed in the back of my mind like a constant siren, pushing me to turn around and face my fate. I had let her down by taking away the things she loved: her magic and family. Me. My loyalty as her loving daughter was now betrayed and flushed.

My eyes clamped shut, drowning out the tears and the yells of panic from behind me. I finally turned my head back around and opened my eyes. Familiar blue orbs shone in contrast to the night and I smiled. He had come to save me, my guardian angel was here to take away the unforgiving pain of the world.

Instantly, my breath stopped. An ache filled my whole body as my vision trailed to my chest. There, resting like a missing puzzle piece, was a silver blade embedded into my skin. Connected to the fatal silver wand was the calloused hand of my savior.

"You could've saved her." His scratchy voice stated. "But you killed her by allowing me to do all the work for you. You're weak. She would've been disappointed, Jackson. Jackson..."


The bellow of a man shot me wide awake, leaving me scrambling for support. The suddenness of my movements did nothing but provide amusement for the three men standing near as I fell off of a bed in a highly unfamiliar room.

"Jackson, are you alright?"

The safety that I once gained from the Angel's voice only brought me fear now. He looked down into my eyes as I scampered away on my hands and knees, finding calm nearest to the wall and far away from him.

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