{Ch 06}

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"Since there is nothing so worth having as friends, never lose a chance to make them

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"Since there is nothing so worth having as friends, never lose a chance to make them."
-Francesco Guicciardini

- Jackson POV -

Castiel and I both stood up from our moment of calm. I stretched my arms, still sore from the fall off of the bed, and finally looked around the unfamiliar room. It occurred to me that this was a place I've never been before, but it looked nothing like the musty motel rooms the Winchesters were known to stay in.

I observed every detail of the room, from the small paint peels in the corners of the ceiling to the rows of empty shelves lining the walls. My bed was dead center, flanked by two small dressers on either side of the headboard. The flooring was old, wooden planks and the walls were a faded maroon that I found quite comforting. Castiel watched me patiently as I opened a small set of doors, revealing an empty closet perfect for the little amount of clothes I had.

I slowly walked out of the room and immediately regretted my decision. My first thoughts were that I was either in a carnival funhouse or a labyrinth. What seemed to be a million different hallways branched off of this one, and with each were rooms that I couldn't even speculate a use for.

Castiel cautiously grabbed my hand and lead me around a corner or so before we reached a huge lobby. A long table was placed in the middle, its surface a glowing white with a couple different papers littered about. A metal staircase was against the far wall, and a large framed doorway stood front and center, giving way to what I assumed was a library.

Sam and Dean were sat at a long wooden table in the core of the library. Each of the brothers were surrounded by books, Sam with a laptop as well, as they were entranced by their research. Dean rubbed his face wearily and let out a strained breath. His gaze shifted over to the lobby only for a moment before turning back to his book. Once he realized we were standing there, me awkwardly, he waved us over.

Castiel walked over with no hesitation. I, on the other hand, was completely dumbfounded. To say the least, I was also quite panicky. These two men, whom I've only just grown to trust, bring me to some overly large facility; moreover, placing me in some room within a maze of hallways and expecting me to find my way to them. Did they have any common sense?

Well, judging from their track record and the legends told of them.... I'm assuming not.

"Where are we?" I breathed out, taking a look at the whole of the spectacular library.

I personally loved to read; it was one of the only things I could do without being pressured in any way by the Coven to live up to my mother. If they knew I was reading as often as I did, mostly fiction littered with a few spell-books here and there, they would probably prod me on my reading level. Thank goodness they didn't think of that or another way to stab me emotionally.

"It's a bunker, formally belonging to the Men of Letters." Sam explained, smiling up at me.

I gasped, twirling in a circle to look at the room again. I thought The Men Of Letters were only a hunter's myth. I've heard stories about them, the Coven even telling us, that despite their lack of knowledge if the group even still existed, to watch out for them. The Men Of Letters are told to be very prestigious and, in some accounts, more dangerous than hunters themselves.

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