{Ch 09}

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"Speak your mind, even if your voice shakes

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"Speak your mind, even if your voice shakes."
-Maggie Kuhn

- Jackson POV -

My heart pounded as the woman, who I learned is named Charlie, entered the library, Sam and Dean shielding her unintentionally. They've only just found out that I was a witch, and their protective sides were bursting whether they knew it or not.

She stopped in front of them, waving and flashing a shy smile at Cas that made my chest tighten. I observed her appearance, trying my best not to judge a book by its cover. Red hair, a similar yet darker shade than mine, was chopped and fell to about her ears. A geeky Harry Potter shirt was covered slightly by an oversized red flannel, matched with black ripped jeans and fraying combat boots. She seemed as awkward as I was, but knowing these men longer she was slightly more comfortable.

"Who's she?" Charlie asked, leaning over to Dean and whispering in his ear.

"She's a friend of Castiel's." He stated harshly, not trying to hide his evident hatred for me.


She walked forward, her heeled boots clicking and creaking the paneled floorboards. She extended her hand awkwardly, her face a bright shade of red as she eyed my figure. Thankfully I wasn't wearing just Sam's shirt anymore, but I changed into a pair of ripped jeans and an oversized blue sweatshirt.

"I'm Charlie." She introduced, a bright smile forming on her lightly painted lips.

I shook her hand, trying to mask the tension and shaking of my hand. "Jackson."

She looked at my hair and chuckled, "Twins? Awesome."

I nodded with a smile, all my thoughts of her being a total loathsome human being flying out the yellow-tinted windows. She seemed fun and upbeat, while also being able to kick butt and stand her own. Sam and Dean, hunter extraordinaires, called her for help on a case after all. Hacking wasn't done easily and required lots of admirable skill. One had to be cautious, avoiding many things that could get you locked up. I may not be a professional like Charlie, but I knew that much at least.

"So why do you boys need the help of lil ol' me?" She sang, her smile never fading.

Sam jumped on the chance, rushing over to his laptop. "We found a case on the Hayle estate. Family members are dying left and right, even known associates. I've tried getting into the cameras to see what I could find, but..."

"-But you can't get in; this shouldn't be too difficult." She finished for him. "How rich are these guys to have security this high-tech?"

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