{Ch 07}

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"You get into the biggest fights with the people you care about the most, because those are the relationships that you're willing to fight for

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"You get into the biggest fights with the people you care about the most, because those are the relationships that you're willing to fight for."

- Jackson POV -

I woke up the next morning feeling unexpectedly well rested. The nightmare that I had been dreading all of yesterday never came, and I was feeling... energetic? Alive? I hadn't felt this good since I first started learning magic.

The Grand Coven talked it up so much that it became a pleasure to learn every day. My heart would always pound at the sight of the spellbooks and the ingredients used to perform rituals and charms. Magic was the only career I've ever dreamed of pursuing, so while I was staying at the bunker I would have to to practice to keep up my power. However, that required me telling the boys and I'm not sure I wanted to do that just yet.

A great mass besides me shifted under the sheets. I was suddenly very aware of the arms wrapped around my waist and the peaceful, warm breaths on my neck. A shaky sigh escaped my lips, for I had never been this close to a man before and it was quite comforting. However, Sam and I just met and from the amount we actually knew about each other, I doubted that it would escalate beyond this.

"Sam?" I whispered, slightly shaking the mammoth that held me down on the bed. "Sam, wake up."

His eyes slowly fluttered open and I got a better look at them. They were a beautiful hazel, with specks of gold and grey-blue. The other day they were a more golden-brown hazel which was also very charming. Perhaps his eyes changed color; how fascinating. Sam's eyes widened as he realized our position and he quickly let go, clearing his throat from what I assumed was embarrassment.

"Did I... did we...?" He asked nervously, his gaze never meeting mine.

I shook my head, "I don't remember having any drinks that would impair my memory. In that case, from what I recall, we didn't."

He exhaled sharply, a clear breath of relief. Despite our sudden closeness, I doubted either of us wanted to cross the boundary of friends to lovers. We've barely just gotten to friends, and even that was a title I wasn't sure he wanted to adapt. However, the friendly advice he's given me made me feel calm and the probability of becoming very close was highly likely. After all, from where we are now, I'd say we were.

I remembered last night so clearly. Sam invited me into his room after I changed into an old flannel of his and a pair of shorts I had. He had tucked me into the sheets and turned on Scooby Doo, as promised, following me into bed. We sat there in silence watching the gang solve mysteries that weren't even close to the real stuff the Winchesters had to face.

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