Minoru Mineta X Reader (Pt.2)

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No one's Pov

It had been about a week since (y/n) and Minoru broke up. Their friends had started worrying about them. (y/n) had not been getting a lot of sleep but even though they looked very tired, they always tried to make sure that they had a smile on their face. They didn't want anyone to know that deep down they were hurting a lot. They always tried to put on a brave face. Minoru was a complete mess and didn't try to hide the fact. He needed (y/n) in his life. He hadn't ate or slept. But the thing that most people noticed right away is that he wouldn't be as perverted as he usually was. This wasn't hated. Most of the girls liked the change but they were so use to it that they had found ways to get around him going unnoticed. But the girls hated seeing (y/n) miserable so they knew it was better to make them like they use to be. Happy.

It wasn't easy for the both of them. Break ups never are. So when their friends had finally had enough of seeing them miserable they went to one another to devise a plan on trying to get them back together. 

*Denki's Dorm*

In Denki's dorm there was around 8 people. 5 guys and 3 girls. For (y/n) showed up Ochaco, Tsuya, Momo and Hitoshi Shinsou. Hitoshi is a really good friend of (y/n). They always hung out after the school playing with (y/n)'s grandma's cats. But lately all (y/n) was after school was go back in her dorm and think. They didn't really do anything much beside that. The people that showed up for Minoru was Katsuki, Izuku, Kirishima and Denki. These 4 came for Denki because they happened to know what went down the day that they broke up because they happened to be at Minoru's dorm room. 

After Kirishima told the 4 that came for (y/n) what all went down that day and the day before with the questions, they started making their plan. Now the plan wasn't much but they knew that it would do.

*(Y/n) Pov*

I was a mess. I couldn't sleep and when I did get a little bit of sleep I wouldn't have the will to get out of bed. I had barely ate anything and it started showing after about 3 days in which my friends started making me eat more when I was around them but when I was alone I just wasn't hungry.  I was always thinking. What if I had stayed with him? What if we had just talked about my feelings? Would things be different or would they have stayed the same. There are so many 'what if' questions and I don't know any of the answers because I don't know what would happen.

*Minoru's Pov*

God, I messed up. I messed up big time. I wish I could rewind it all to say (y/n)'s name instead of Momo's. Whenever I see them in the hallway at school they always go a different direction. I saw the hurt in their eyes before they left my dorm room. I saw how much I hurt them. I never meant to hurt them but I did and now I am paying the price for it.

*Timeskip to Day of Plan*

*(Y/N) Pov* 

I got out of bed after a sleepless night again once my alarm clock went off. I took a shower and ate a little bit. After I was done I started heading towards the usual spot that I meet up with my friends. They seemed to be acting a little different but I really didn't mind it so much since I was really tired from the lack of sleep.

*Minoru's Pov*

My alarm had gone off about 30 minutes ago but I still had not moved from my bed. I didn't want to get up. I had stayed up all night thinking about (y/n). I missed them so much. After about another 10 minutes a heard a knock on my door. I usually don't lock it so the person just walked in. In came Denki and the other 3 of my friends. They usually come and help me during the morning or at least come to check up on me. They told me that I had to get up and get ready or they were leaving without me. I got up reluctantly and didn't my morning routine. After I grabbed my book bag we were out the door heading to school. 

* Denki's Pov*

The boys and girls had all woke up early. We wanted to go over the plan once again before everything went down. We had talked to Shota Aizawa in trying to help with our plan. He agreed which surprised most of us. 

*No One's Pov*

The start of the school day had begun. All the students had made their way into their designated classrooms. When the 2 friend groups got to class they saw how Minoru's and (y/n) name was on board for cleaning duty. That was phase 1 of the plan. Phase 2, 3 and 4 would be harder. Phase 2 was trying to convince them that they had to do it and that no one could help and take their place because they all had things to do. That phase happened at lunch.

Phase 3: Trying to get them to go to the classroom at the end of the day. For (y/n) it was a lot harder for them to do. They didn't want to be in the same classroom with Minoru more than they have to. They didn't know what to say they knew they were gonna make a fool of themselves. But after awhile Hitoshi just grabbed (y/n) and slung them over his shoulder marching his way up to classroom 1-A. Minoru didn't want to go to the classroom but he knew that if he didn't Shota would be one angry teacher so he reluctantly went. When he got to the classroom he saw how (y/n) was working hard trying to get everything done fast but still perfect. 

Now phase 4 was in motion. Phase 4 was getting them to talk. This was by far the hardest plan. But their friends knew that Minoru would probably be the first to say something. Each set of friends were standing by the doors in case one of them tried to run. It took them about 30 minutes to get everything neat and where it was suppose to go. As (y/n) was about to leave the room they felt a tug on their hand. Looking towards where the tug went they noticed that it was Minoru. 

"I'm sorry." They heard Minoru mumble. 

They didn't know what to say. So they just looked at the ground. Once Minoru noticed that they weren't going to say anything he started speaking again. 

"I know I hurt you. Trust me, if I could take it back then I would. I have been a mess without you. I can't sleep or eat. All I do is think about you. When you walk into the classroom everyday I notice that you always have a smile on your face and even though the smile is forced it still is beautiful. I'm sorry that I made you cry and I am sorry that I broke your heart. I don't deserve you. I never deserved you. You were so perfect but you always made my day brighter. You helped me get out of some tough situations. You made me complete. Please just give me another chance. I won't do anything to make you feel like you did before. I just need one more chance to prove myself to you. I'll change if it means I can be with you. I would do anything to be with you again because I am in love with you." Minoru said trying his best not to cry but failing to do so.

(y/n) didn't know what to think. They were shocked by what Minoru said. He never said anything like that before. They loved him too. They didn't say anything which Minoru thought meant that they didn't want to talk to him. He slowly let go of (y/n)'s hand and started to turn away when he felt 2 arms wrap around him bringing him into a hug. He could feel tears slowly hitting his shoulder. 

"I love you too." You said, voice cracking a little.

Minoru turned around bring his hands to your face slowly bringing you down into a kiss. After you both pulled away from the kiss he asked the one question again.

"Will you give me another chance?" He practically beg.

"Yes I will." You said with a smile on your face.

You could hear cheers out in the hall so when you opened the door both or your friends came crashing down into the room with smiles on their faces. They were happy that everything was going to go back to normal. Well almost normal. Minoru wasn't as perverted as he was in the beginning. He tried cutting back so he didn't hurt you more. He was still perverted every now and then but you loved him no matter what. 

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