Dating Tenya Iida:

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Dating Tenya Iida would include

~You being the dumb one in the relationship

~The two of you would go to the library together so you could study

~After a couple minutes of studying; you would usually get bored and bug him until he got frustrated and the two of you left

~You were really into photography

~You were best friends with his older brother

~You are a part of the Bakusquad

~When the two of you first met you didn't really like each other

~You had a really cool quirk

~You were a part of Class 1A

~You were Eraser head's favorite student but he never would admit it

~Your quirk allowed you to manipulate someone's mind. If you could imagine it in your brain then you could put that imagine into another persons' brain by just looking at the person.

~The two of you would fight a lot but it wasn't anything serious so the two of you would apologize not even five minutes after the argument ended

~Iida would give you piggyback rides everywhere because you were lazy in his opinion

~In reality you just loved feeling his muscles through his shirt when he walked although you would never tell him that or dare to say it out loud

~You would always be there to boost him up and make his day brighter whenever he was feeling down or sad

~You would be one of the people who helped him with hero killer stain. You didn't really like the idea of him going and trying to fight the villain but in the end you knew it wasn't your choice to make; it was his

~You had hinted to Izuku about Iida's plan but being the person Izuku is, he didn't pay all that much attention to your hints.

~You were really good friends with Shoto and decided to tell him about Iida's plan which he told you that he would keep an ear out for you.

~You were really strong; you were just lazy and didn't want to do a lot of work but Iida and his older brother would make you train a lot with them which in the end you were grateful for

~His mother absolutely adores you where as his father didn't really like you that much at first

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